Poland x Russia (The Kidnapping)

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Hello Again

Sorry for not posting for a while, i'll get some more out soon

Also, this is one of my more unhinged chapters so i'll leave some warnings


Warning: Kidnapping, adult-ish themes.

Also please vote at the end :)

          It was yet another night where Poland found himself slaving away, making intoxicatingly alcoholic drinks for the horde of people over at the local nightclub. While at first, he loved the challenge of testing his drink-making skills, he soon became exhausted by the constant demand that accompanied the job. Unfortunately, this was the only job he could see himself working at, as no one else would hire him because of his lackluster skill set.

          Poland was also living paycheck to paycheck, living in a rundown apartment building near the outskirts of town. Soon enough he was accustomed to taking part in shady activities, such as black market shops and hiding suspicious bags (which he concluded could either be murder weapons or the product of those murder weapons.) Poland would do pretty much anything for money, so naturally when he was offered 30 bucks to go clean someone's apartment for a few hours, he jumped on the opportunity.

           Around 8:00 PM he hoped into his red beaten-up car which was made decades ago and started driving towards the person's house. He thought it might have been a little sketchy since the person only came into the bar 20 minutes ago near the end did his shift. He didn't even know his name, although he did know that person frequented the bar often. Always sitting far away, but never out of sight of Poland. 

            Anyways, Poland drove into the narrow driveway by the seemingly empty street. The building wasn't at all what he imagined. He walked into the entrance, walking past crumbling concrete walls and flickering lights. A voice inside him begged and begged him to turn back, but he already came this far so let's just make this quick.... Poland stepped into the elevator, pressed the fourth floor, and admired the plaque claiming that it had last been inspected 22 years prior. Soon enough he reached the fourth floor, sighing in relief that the elevator even worked properly in the first place. 

              He opened the door, expecting a standard apartment, with maybe a few spots of dust or trash, but unfortunately, this was not the case. There was trash, dust, and even rotting food everywhere. Poland only sighed and began to pick up the trash and sort it into a neat pile. However, after cleaning the majority of the floor, he made a puzzling discovery. Under all the trash, there was a perfectly intact floor... and almost even more confusing, all that rotten food was still in the packaging, almost like everything was just thrown on the floor yesterday. *What the hell....* he thought to himself as he continued the cleaning. Although he did realize the upside of having a much easier job now. He moved from room to room, clearing all the refuse from each.

                After a few painfully boring hours Poland was just about ready to leave, he packed up the trash bags to haul them outside and finished getting the dust off the lampshades. He walked up the front door, and tried to open it but was met with a solid 


 ... He tried again... 


...He wasn't all too worried, after all, he had been in these situations before. After a few more tugs Poland decided to try the windows... Only then did he realize there were no windows.... Suddenly a feeling of panic filled Poland, but he quickly hushed it by convincing himself that one stuck door wasn't anything to worry about. Poland then considered attempting to bash the door in, he walked up the door and prepared to take a swing at the door before-


Poland jumped in shock and quickly hid behind a table 

P: W-What..? Who's there?

?: Haha....

P: Uhh... C-can you help me open this door... please?

?: I'm afraid I can't do that for you love...

P: *Gulp* W-who are you..? 

R: Don't you remember me, darling..? Your old friend Russia from school..? I followed you home Every. Single. Day. 

P: Russ... Can't I just leave..? Why are you even keeping me here..? What the hell do you want from me!?

 R: What do you think? *Smile*

P: M-money..? My car..? My.... Life? 

R: Bingo! I don't care about any of that other worthless stuff... just you.

*That last sentence sent a chill down Poland's spine*

P: S-so.... What are you gonna do to m-me..?

 R: Make you mine darling....

P: W-wha... AH!

*Before Poland could finish Russia jumped from around the corner and smashed a metal pipe against his head, knocking him out cold...The last thing Poland saw was a pool of crimson blood, and a smiling Russia*


Yay another one done, I'm going to do this differently this time and let people's vote on which ending they want.

Bad ending - Poland Cannot escape

Really bad Ending - Poland Dies 

Neutral Ending - they end up as an equal loving-ish couple

 Good Ending - Poland escapes

Thank you!


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