Canada x Ukraine (Fluff + Angst)

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Warning: Angst, attempted suicide, alcohol.

Also: The the first half of this story is kinda cringe in my opinion! (I started It a long time ago) 

Here we go....


       It was a cold, dark night in the middle of a dreary December. Ukraine was sitting alone outside a cafe, thinking about how his life had slowly slipped away while staring into space. This was a regular occurrence for him; he had recently lost his job and was not keen on moving back into his alcoholic father's house. Ukraine's constant use of alcohol had been slowly eating away at his savings until the only thing he had left was his clothes. This state of constant depression caused Ukraine to start asking himself slowly, "Is living life worth this pain and suffering every day.....?" Then, one day, after getting beaten up in an alleyway by a gang of teenagers, he decided what he wanted to do. He slowly and silently walked towards a nearby bridge, savouring his surroundings, a few decaying buildings, a cloudy grey sky, and a stone bridge. Ukraine walked until all he could see was the freezing, rushing water below him. He took one step closer to the edge.... then another step.... then another... After one last thought about his life and family back home, he jumped. At that exact moment, Ukraine heard a voice yelling "Wait!" from behind him, accompanied by a hand grazing his leather coat. Ukraine suddenly felt a jerk throughout his entire body as he hovered above the frigid water below him. He yelped and thought his jacket must have been caught on a railing. He reached his hand up to untangle himself, but instead.... he Felt a hand.

         Ukraine regained his consciousness, hearing only the faint buzzing of distant lights. He slowly opened his eyes, one after the other, to reveal a complete stranger looking back.


C: "Hey! Your awake, are you feeling alright now?"

U: "Y-yeah.... Who are you again?"

C: "Oh! Yeah, I haven't introduced myself yet. My names Canada, and yours?"

U: "Ukraine.... What happened.. Why am I here?"

C: "You.. Uh... tried to to jump off a bridge."

U: " ......oh"


        An awkward silence filled the room, only broken when a doctor walked into the room to inform them that they could be discharged by tomorrow. Ukraine spent the rest of the day resting and having conversations with Canada. Ukraine soon found himself leaving the hospital practically being carried by Canada as they walked to his car, even though he protested he could walk just fine. "So, where do you live?" Canada asked. " umm.. Nowhere at the moment," Ukraine responded. Canada thought for a moment about to answer Ukraine. "Oh... Wanna come over to my house?". Ukraine simply nodded and laid back in his seat, exhausted from everything that happened. 

      It was a reasonably long drive, about an hour, since Canada lived in a remote section of the mountains. Most of the ride was silent as Canada didn't want to disturb or annoy Ukraine, which was all he'd been through. Although he had about 20 minutes to go, Canada asked him if he was feeling okay; Ukraine simply responded yes, then no, and then started to cry. Ukraine continued to vent his worries, concerns, and general feelings to Canada for the remainder of the trip. Canada was happy to listen and offer advice; he even had a little experience with therapy in the past since he often let America and Britain talk to him about their anxiety.  

     Once the pair reached Canada's house, they got out of the car and walked up to the door. "wow... this is a nice place," Ukraine said in awe. "Oh, thanks... It's nice to get away from things, y'know." Canada proceeded to show Ukraine his bedroom, a small guest bedroom with cream-coloured walls and a deep red fabric bed. Ukraine thanked Canada profusely about 20 or 30 times until he dozed off from his never-ending exhaustion from everything that had happened the last few days. Before he could entirely fall asleep, he swore he would have heard a car exiting the driveway; it could have just been his over-worked mind.

      Ukraine slept for a few hours;* Damn, that bed was comfy* he thought, standing up and shuffling downstairs, panicking for a second before he remembered where he was. Although he couldn't find Canada, he repeatedly called out before giving up and resting on the couch. Ukraine looked around, admiring the house's beauty before resting his eyes on the remote on the nearby side table. He picked up the remote and pushed buttons until the TV flickered. Ukraine watched some shows about how to manufacture car batteries before...


      Ukraine jolted up, startled by the sudden sound, before calming himself again as he realized it was just the door. He watched the corner of the room intensely before seeing Canada appear and walk towards him.


C: "I see you found the remote, eh?" *He smiled and chuckled a bit*

U: "Oh! Sorry.. *He turns the TV off*

C: "No worries anyways. I got you a few things to make you feel more at home."

*Canada put a few piles of clothes, Ukrainian and Russian food, and a brand-new cell phone on the counter*

U: "Woa... thanks! I mean it... Thank you so much!"

C: "No problem; I just thought I should get you a few of your things after all that time on the street."


     Ukraine was overwhelmed by Canada's kindness; he could not thank him enough and just leaped onto him for a hug. Canada was taken a little off guard but eventually hugged Ukraine back, blushing a little while doing so. Ukraine stepped back, causing Canada to release the tight hug. Canada's face suddenly turned from happiness to a little bit of despair as he realized something. "Hey.. I know I just got back, but I need to help Germany with some things at work. I wish I could stay, but it's really important. I'll be back in a few. So you later!" 

    Ukraine said his goodbyes, dismayed that he left so soon after getting back, and as soon as Canada left, started rummaging through the stuff he had bought him. Ukraine brought everything upstairs, immediately changed into new clothes, and started eating the food. He was filled with appreciation for Canada throughout; although it was clear to him, he didn't know a thing about Ukrainian food.

    Hours passed in what felt like seconds, and he heard the faint sound of a door slamming shut downstairs. He walked down and met Canada again, who greeted him with a radiant smile which could light up a room. They both sat on the couch and watched a show about art, in which they had a pleasant conversation about where Ukraine learned Canada was also an artist. 

     Eventually, Surrounded by a darkened room and the warm glow of a flickering TV, Ukraine and Canada fell asleep, resting in each other's arms.


Hey! Thanks for reading this story!

I'll try to update this book more consistently from now on—also 1196 words, nice.

Again, Thanks for your support!


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