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Me and Han left on the Taun-Taun as soon as possible. My eyes darted around the mounds and mounds of snow.

Boy, I hated the snow. It's funny to think a couple years ago, all I wanted to be in was snow. And now, I want to be back in the sun on Tatooine.

I wrapped my arms around my body, and tried to stop my teeth from chattering. I was freezing. My clothes felt like they did barely anything to keep me warm.

"Hey.. do you see that?" Han asked me, as he pointed to a small hill of snow. We could barely make out the figure of a person by all the snow falling down beside us.

"Yeah.. Hey! That looks like Luke!" I cheered, smiling at Han, who was seated in front of me on the Taun-Taun.

Han frowned. "Don't get your hopes up kid. But let's sure hope it is." He said before kicking the creatures side, causing it to run.

Once we got closer and closer, I could tell that it was Luke. I hopped down from the creatures back, and wobbled towards Luke. He looked cold, hurt, and tired. I frowned and pulled his head into my lap, shaking his body.

"Luke! Come on, Luke!" I yelled, trying the wake him up. Han sat down beside me, and began shaking him as well.

"Come on, Luke. Don't do this, give us a sign!" He said worriedly. Han put his head on Luke's chest, listening for a heart beat.

That was when our Taun-Taun began to whine, and wobble around. It then fell to the ground. It was dead.

I heard Han curse to himself, then look down at Luke once again. "Come on.." I muttered softly. I noticed Han begin to pull on Luke's body, dragging him in the direction of the Taun-Taun.

"What are you- oh." I muttered, helping him pull
Luke. We laid him down next to the Taun-Taun, and Han pulled Luke's lightsaber from his belt.

"Ben.." Luke moaned. "Ben.." be moaned again.

"This isn't gonna smell great kid, but it'll keep you warm." Han said to him.

"It's gonna be okay, Luke." I whispered to him, brushing the hair out of his face.

"Y/n.. Dagobah System.. Ben." He continued. I frowned, and covered my nose at the sent of the Taun-Taun.

"And I thought they smelled bad on the outside!" I groaned, helping put Luke inside the smelly creature.

"Yoda.. Ben.. Dagobah.."

I collapsed onto the snow in tiredness, but was dragged up by Han who insisted I help him make the shelter.


That night, I slept with Luke's asleep body curled up next to mine. I was constantly checking his pulse, making sure he didn't freeze.

It only got colder the next day, which made it 10x worse having to wait for any sign of rescue. That was until we heard the sound of a voice crackling through the com-link.

Han picked it up. "Good morning!" He cheered sarcastically. "Nice of you to stop by!" I grinned, and attempted to pick up Luke.

We were home.


Luke had been healing all day in the medical chamber. Once I heard he was awake and well, I ran to see him.

"Luke!" I cheered as I hugged his wounded body a little to tightly. He chuckled and hugged me
back just as tight.

"I'm so glad you're okay." I said to Luke as I sat beside him. He grinned, and patted my leg. "Im glad I'm okay too." I chuckled, and tried to stop my cheeks from reddening.

My crush on Luke had only grown since Tatooine. The amount of time we spent together was a benefit.

He removed his hand from my leg once Han and Leia walked in. "How ya' feeling kid?" Han asked.
Luke shrugged, but didn't hide the smile on his face. "You don't look so bad to me. You look strong enough to pull ears of a gun dart!"

"Good thanks to you." He replied, crossing one leg over the other. Luke then looked over at me. "Thanks to you too, of course." He added patting my leg.

"That's two you owe me, junior." Han replied with a grin, holding up two fingers. Chewie howled to Luke, and patted his shoulder.

Han then turned around to face Leia. "Well your worship, looks like you managed to keep me around for a little while longer."

I rolled my eyes and leaned back in my seat. Luke gave me a confused look, and I just shrugged.

"I had nothing to do with it." Leia responded shortly. "General Reeikan thinks it too dangerous for any ships to leave the system until we've activated the energy field."

"That's a good story, I just think you can't let a gorgeous guy like me out of your sight." Han replied smugly, sitting down before her.

Luke have me a look, and I just chuckled quietly. Leia glared at the man, and shook her head. "I don't know where you get your delusions laser brain."

Chewie laughed, making Han glare up at him. "Laugh it up fuzz ball. Well you didn't see us alone in the south passage, she declared her true feelings for me kids." Han said wrapping his around her.

I raised an eyebrow. "Really? That's shocking." I said curtly. Han gave me a look, then looked back at Leia, who was fuming.

"My- why you stuck up, half witted, scruffy looking, nerd herder!" She said angrily. Han looked offended.

"Whose scruffy-looking?" He responded crossing his arms. I snickered and looked up at Han.

"You of course, didn't you hear?" I asked sarcastically. He bit his cheek in anger, and turned to look at Luke.

"I must've hit pretty close to the mark to get he all riled up like that? Huh kid?" He said leaning over to Luke.

Luke looked at him like he was insane, and Leia stared at him angrily, and grabbed the collar of a random officer who was walking by.

"Well I guess you don't know everything about women." She said before pulling him and kissing his lips. The officer looked stunned as she released and walked past him.

Me and Luke shared an amused look, and watched as Han sighed in defeat and left the room.

I giggled softly, and turned to Luke. "God seeing those two argue is probably one of the funniest things." I muttered.

Luke chuckled and slowly stood up. I followed him. "Funnier than that prank we pulled on that Jawa when we were twelve?" He asked nudging him softly.

"You pranked it, I was too scared too." I said with a grin nudging him back. He chuckled, and smiled warmly at me.

"I'm glad I'm back." He said to me, cupping my cheek. I was stunned at this, and couldn't help the heat from rising to my face.

"I-Uhm. I'm glad your back!" I shouted awkwardly, and gave him a stupid thumbs up. He looked at me in confusion, as I turned around and walked down the hall without even saying goodbye.

Blast, I'm an idiot.



Slay? Or nah. Anyways I gtg I have volleyball 💋🏐💀

K bye. Love you guys! Btw I didn't have much time to edit this so sorry do there are mistakes


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