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"I know I'm never doing that again.." I muttered bitterly, as I changed back into my beige poncho I hade been wearing before. "Me and you both." Leia agreed with a chuckle, causing me to do the same.

Han turned towards us. "Let's just avoid any more female advice." He said eyeing me and Leia. I glared at him angrily, and Leia opened her mouth to shout a remark back, before Luke cut her off.

"Let's get a move on then." He told, until a loud beeping filled the room. Chewbacca, or should I say Chewie, began howling wildly, then got up to leave.

Han rolled his eyes, and grabbed his blaster. "No wait they'll—"


I groaned, and face palmed. "C'mere you big coward!" Han said to the fuzzy creature. Chewie shook his head, and twirled his long hair.

Leia sighed, and glared at the man. "Listen, I don't know who you are, or where you came from. But from now on, you do as I say. Okay?" Leia demanded.

Me and Luke shared at look, and followed the princess down the hallway.


I gasped in shock, and tried to stop a tear from spilling out of my eyes. Obi Wan had just been defeated by the masked menace— who I assumed to be the evil Darth Vader, whom I had heard about in stories.

I grasped Luke's hand, and unwillingly dragged him onto the ship. I knew it was what had to be done, if I wanted to save him as well.

He struggled out of my grasp, and continued firing at the stormtroopers. "Luke!" I called out desperately. "Luke please! We have to go!"

He blinked, and turned to look at me. He nodded, and followed me onto the ship. Han fired one more shot, before closing the hatch.

I didn't bother looking as Han and Leia stormed to the controls, I just sat with Luke. He looked down at the table sadly, deep in thought.

"I know what you're thinking." I said softly, grasping his hand. He sighed, and brushed his bangs out of his eyes.

"I—I could've.." He started.

"No Luke. That was his battle, his future. You can't control that." I said softly, cupping his cheek. His eyes were watery, I frowned.

"I just barely.." He started, and then sighed. "What will happen to us now? Our "parents" are dead, Ben is dead, Aldeeran is destroyed."

I sighed and leaned against the cushion behind me. "We have each other. You can go off to the academy I'm sure, and I can.. well I'm not quite sure." I muttered.

He chuckled dryly. "I am not leaving you. From now on, we never leave each other." He then squeezed my hand, and leaned his head against my shoulder, closing his eyes.

Once I knew—well I was quite sure I knew—he was asleep, I kissed the top of his head, then closed my eyes as well.

If only I had left my eyes open a couple seconds more, to see the smile spread across his face, and the rosy color spreading on his his cheeks.


We leaned on a small-ish green planet. It was covered in lush trees, and the bluest sky I'd ever seen. Much, much different from Tatooine.

Me and Luke were practically mesmerized, as it was only the second planet we'd ever been on.

I smiled, as I ran up to the closest tree I saw. It was outside of a large, brick made temple—which I assumed to be the rebel base.

I felt the leaves, then the branches. The air felt so fresh, the breeze was so calming and chill. I felt a presence behind me.

"I love trees." I said turning to Luke, who was smiling just as wide as I was. He chuckled, and felt the tree just as I was.

The soft leaves, the rough branches, the calming sweet smell of the sticky substance under the bark of the tree.

"I love whatever this is kids, but we have to get inside." Han ushered from behind us. I turned to Luke, then to Han, and nodded.


I walked alongside Luke, insisting to escort him to his x-wing, before going to Leia in the control room. I had my hand latched around his tightly, not wanting to waste a second with him.

"Please be safe, Luke." I muttered pulling him in for a hug as we were now near his ship. He chuckled, and held me tightly.

"I love you- as my best friend, of course." He chuckled awkwardly. I chuckled to, and kissed his cheek. Oddly, his cheeks heated up, and they turned a bright shade of red.

"Love you too. As a best friend way- of course." I replied scratching my neck. He smiled, and pulled me in for one more hug.

I wish I hadn't left so soon, because maybe I wouldn't caught a sentence come out of Luke's mouth.

"I love you, in a not-so best friend." Was all he said.


STOP. I'm blushing..

Anyways, sorry for the short chapter. Still love y'all tho.



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