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  I let out a gasp as I saw both me and Luke's home with smoke enveloping them. A hand covered my mouth in shock, as I looked over at Luke with wide eyes.

His eyes were elsewhere, they were directed at two bodies outside of his home. I shuddered and gripped his hand tightly.

I then looked over at my home, and let a tear roll down my cheek. "Wha-what are we going to do?" I asked looking up at Luke.

He looked at me sadly. "We're going to Aldeeran." He muttered before leading me back to the speeder.


We stopped the speeder outside of the destroyed Jawa transport. The whole ride there was silent. I suppose, we were both thinking about what would happen now, now that we have no family, and no home.

I got out of the speeder, followed by Luke. Obi Wan could see in our eyes, what had happened. "There's nothing you could've done, had you been there." He comforted.

I sighed and let go of Luke's hand, making me frown even harder. I crossed my arms and looked up at the old Herman. "You'd have been killed too, and the droids would now be in the hands of the empire."

"We want to come with you to Aldeeran." I told him. "There is nothing for us here now."

"I want to learn the way of the force, and become a Jedi like my father." Luke said with a determined look in his face.

Obi wan out his hands on our shoulder and nodded.


The speeder entered the ratchet city of Mos Eisley, and I was immediately taken aback by the amount of people.

I'd never seen so many people in my life, as I barely left my house and all.

We pulled up beside a large group of white masked men, called stormtroopers. "How long have you had these droids?" One of the men asked.

"About three or four season." I answered with a fake smile. "There up for sale if you want them." Kenobi added.

"Let me see your identification." At different trooper asked to me and Luke. I jolted my head towards Obi Wan, but he just had a calm expression in his face.

"You don't need to see their identification." Kenobi commanded waving his hand around slightly.

"We don't need to see their identification." The trooper said back to us. Me and Luke turned to look at each other curiously.

"These aren't the droids you're looking for." He commanded once again. The trooper repeated his words back to us.

"Move along." Kenobi finished. The storm trooper repeated it back, and Luke started the speeder up once again.

We began through the windy streets of Mos Eisley once again, and parked in front of a small bar at the outskirts of town.

"I can't understand how we got by those troops?!" Luke exclaimed. "I thought we were dead!" Obi Wan chuckled at this.

"The force can have a strong influence on the weak-minded." He explained. Me and Luke nodded slightly, still confused.

"Do you really think we're going to find a pilot to Aldeeran here?" I asked Obi Wan. He nodded and began walking.

"Most of the best freighter pilots are found here. Watch your step, this place can be a little rough." He advised. Luke looked over at me and nodded, before following Obi Wan. "I'm ready for anything." Luke huffed.

Music filled my ears as we walked inside the cantina. Many creatures began eyeing us from their tables, others just glared and looked away.

Obi Wan began to talk with different pilots scattered around the room, while me and Luke stepped up to the bar.

Luke tugged in the man's shirt, asking for a glass of Bantha juice. "Gross." I muttered as he took a sip. He chuckled.

"I'll never understand why you hate it so much." He chuckled pushing the glass closer to my lips, I rolled my eyes playfully at Luke, and pushed the glass away.

"Your utterly hilarious." I teased, nudging his side. We the began looking all around the room and the different creatures surrounding us.

An alien suddenly grabbed my shoulder and turned me towards them. It began blabbering on in a language I didn't understand, so Luke awkwardly turned me back towards him.

I got grabbed again. "He likes you." The odd looking man said to me. "I like you." He added.

"I-uh.. than-"

"Give it a rest!" Luke demanded raising his voice.

"Watch yourself, kid!" The man said pointing a finger at Luke warningly. "I have a death sentence on twelve systems- were wanted men!"

"I'll be careful." Luke muttered giving me a 'look'. The man grabbed me again. "You'll be dead!" He said again.

"These two aren't the trouble, now let me get you something." Obi Wan said from behind us. The man got angry, and grabbed Luke's collar throwing him towards a table.

The man then pulled out a blaster and aimed it towards me, until finally Obi Wan slashed the man's arms with his blue blade.

The man began to wail at the pain, while I ran over to Luke and helped him up. "Are you alright?" I asked.

"Never been better." He joked. I rolled my eyes and slapped his arm playfully.

Me and Luke followed Obi Wan and a large brown rookie towards a table near the corner of the room.

"Names Han Solo, I'm the captain of the Millennium Falcon. Chewie here tells me you're looking for safe passage to the Aldeeran system."

"Yes indeed, if it's a fast ship." Obi Wan said.

"Fast ship?" Han Solo chuckled. "You've never heard of the ship that made the Kessel run in less then 12 parsecs. I've outrun imperial starships. Not the local bulk crusaders I mean the big ones!" He paused. "She's fast enough for you old man. What's the cargo?" He asked.

"Only passengers, myself, the boy, the girl, two droids, and no questions asked." Obi wan told.

Han chuckled. "What is it, some kind of local trouble?

"Let's just say we'd like to avoid any.. imperial entanglements." He said slyly.



Much love,


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