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I met Leia after the X-wings took off. My heart was pounding I was so nervous. C-3PO followed me around like a lost Bantha. It was cute.

He said something about Master Luke being gone, and him not knowing anyone other then a few commanders. Except, they always threatened to shut him off if he asked another question.

I didn't mind his constant blabbering. He was a nervous droid, I respected it.

Besides, I was nervous as well.

I stood beside Leia, tapping my fingers anxiously against the table in front of us. "Please be safe Luke.." I muttered to myself, until I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"I can assure you Luke will be fine. Besides, once I turn this on.." She told me, flicking on a switch. Thats when the voice of multiple pilots filled my ears. "we can hear them." She finished, smiling at me.

I sighed, and nodded. "Thanks Leia. It's just, I've know Luke for so long, he's basically the only person I know! After what happened on Tatooine, I can't imagine losing him too."

I was shocked that I opened up to her so quickly into knowing her. She frowned slightly. "Well, stay by my side. I can already tell we will get along wonderfully." She told me.

I smiled, and nodded. "Thanks. I will." I would've continued the conversation longer, but the sound of panicked voices ran through my ears. The battle would soon be starting.

"This is red-5, I'm going in." Luke's voice said from the com-link. I gulped, and crossed my arms, bouncing my leg nervously.

I heard multiple blasts. I just hoped those blasts were directed towards someone other than Luke. "Are you alright?!" A voice shouted out.

"Eh, I got a little cooked, but I'm okay." Luke's voice said in return. I let out a small chuckle, and continued listening in.

"Watch yourself!" A man shouted out.

"I'm going in, cover me!" Another yelled.

The device in front of me and Leia beeped, signaling the Death Star was getting closer and closer into attack position.

"I'm right with you red-3!"

"Pull up!"

No I got it!"

"Pull up!" Luke's voice shouted out.

A gut-wrenching scream was heard, then the sound of a blast. I widened my eyes, and my stomach churned.

"Squadron, we've picked up new signals. Emperial fighters are coming your way." A controls officer said into the com-link.

The voices began to become more muffled, as much more pilots began yelling for help. Luke's voice stood out from the rest. I couldn't exactly tell what he was saying—all I knew was that he was in trouble.

"It's okay.. he'll he okay." Leia assured me, but the look on her face made me think otherwise.

"I'm on him Luke!" A voice called out.

More blasts.

"Where are you Biggs!" Luke yelled out. His voice sounded distressed.


It was silent for a moment, until Luke's voice shouted out. "Thanks Wedge!"

Me and Leia both sighed in relief, and then chuckled anxiously.

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