Chapter Twelve🦋

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I take a deep breath and then proceed to walk into the building.

I am not really a fan of this place, though I grew up here and most of my memories-more bad than good- are here, I still feel even worse than on a normal day when I'm just reminds me of how my parents took one glance at me and my struggling conditions and decided they didn't want to go through the hassle and dump me in an orphanage.

I wasn't dropped here as a baby but as a young kid which makes my pain even once cause I can still see flashes and bits of blurry images smiling down at me and taking care of me. It's still at least okay if you say your parents never wanted a baby in general and dropped you off, instead I grow up a little to a point wherby my condition starts to manifest? And then they toss me out like a garbage bag. I've kind of gotten used to this empty feeling I get when I'm here and when I think of my parents.

I don't bother greeting much people as I move around...looking for a particular person that i want to hug and allow her pat my head until I fall asleep. If you must know I am not quite popular with the people around here cause they don't seem to like me very much.

The only person in this life that I'd forever be grateful for and have taken as my personal mother is no one other than's a nickname only I call her.

When I got here, I was quite quiet and didn't want to relate or speak with anyone and no one wanted to relate with me either. They called me a weirdo, a freak. Even the caretakers who were paid to fucking make a child feel welcome and loved...none of them!...well except for mammy.

She is one of the oldest workers in this place and when she caught me hiding inside one of the kitchen cupboards she said and I quote "my love for you was a done deal". Since then we were practically inseparable, I followed her everywhere and wouldn't sleep without her beside me. I stuck with her like glue...although it took me a while to warm up to her since I was just a kid who had just been recently rejected by her own parents but after that I loved her more than anyone else in this world including myself and I hope  to never be apart from her. So although this place really makes me feel sick, I come here for her and her alone.

I ask around a little for where mammy is and end of finding her perched up on a bench in the middle of the orphanage garden that she manages herself and takes care of it like her own baby.

Her back is facing me so she hasn't notice me yet, and that's why I take my time to sneak up behind her and engulf her in a hug. I hate to admit that Ive missed this diabolical woman .

"Mammy!!" I say, she's startled a bit but later calms when she realizes it just me.

"Oh my perfect dearie, oh how I've missed you" she says her voice coming out rougher than I remember.

I pull away and move to sit beside her, as I stare at her face I realize how much this woman means to me and I wouldn't have been able to become anything if not for her.

"Mammy?, You okay?" I question and she just stares at me with a smile etched on her now old and wrinkly face.

"Well you know, Ive become of the age where my voice sounding like this is highly normal. Who knows? Maybe it'll soon be my time to go see baba God" she says grinning like she had just said something awesome.

"No no no no, you are not going anywhere yet, I still need you here with me so no more talk about leaving" I say my face unknowingly forming to a pout.

I hate when she says this,maybe because a part of me knows it's true and she's getting really old now and soon enough- nope, I don't even want to think about it.

"Ohh, look at you already thinking a mile away, calm down I didn't say right now. But really this wouldn't be much of a problem if you'd just settle down and have someone to take care of you and vice versa so when I'm gone they'd takeover for me-" she begins again but I cut her short.

" one can ever take your place, you're too special...way too special, and I'm not settling down anytime soon so forget about it" I tell her and she just gives me a disapproving look before engulfing me in a hug...muttering something about how I'll never listen.

"So gist me about work and what going on with you" she says while still wrapping me around her warm embrace.



I walk out of the orphanage feeling a really heavy weight lift off my shoulders. I guess talking to someone about my issues and my thoughts helped reduce some baggages on my shoulder.

As I get in my car and get on the road leading to my apartment, my mind roams to what mammy thought about Andrew.

Andrew might as well have gotten a fan even without knowing him personally. I swear mammy was totally smittened by him as I described and talked about him. She was literally already shipping us and coming up with cute ship names.

She said she liked a man who made swift and careful strides and moves like that and that she totally accepts him. I found what she was saying really funny actually cause I know what she's talking about is likely never going to happen.

After a while on the road...I finally get to my house and I'm ready to crash. I feel physically and mentally drained.

I take the elevator hoping to get to my apartment in a flash of an eye and crash.

When I get to my floor, the elevator stops and the door opens reveal... Andrew?

"Mr Olajide? What are you doing here on my floor" I ask stepping out of the elevator while he just stands there startled.

He snaps back to reality and clears his throat before he begins to speak.

"Well uhmm yeah, I actually came too check on you cause you weren't at work today and i didn't hear a word from you all day so yeah" he says, looking more nervous than he was yesterday when he confessed his feeling to me.

"Yh actually, Today's one of my off days, so I took the opportunity to go out. Is there a reason why you were looking for me? Is there a problem?" I ask curious as to why he'd come all the way here to look for me and even at the office too.

"Well, when I like someone I tend to get worried when they totally go off grid and want to know where they are at all times..sorry perks of liking someone right?. And please don't tell me you went for that doctor's appointment because I assure you it has nothing to do with your health" he tells me resuming to his normal self and giving me that one of a kind smirk that seems to have a really unhealthy effect on me.

"Uhmm..." I say speechless...for the first time in a while...I was utterly speechless.

The fuck I'm I supposed to say to that!

"Well, I'll see you later, I have to get going." He says getting into the elevator.

The elevator starts to close but not before  he says "never seen you speechless before, it gives another feel, definitely sexy vibes" he says chuckling and then leaving me with a wink...a very sexy wink might I add.

What the eff is up with this guy!! What the eff is wrong with me!!.







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