Chapter Four📿

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I'm a romantic

📿📿📿📿📿📿(Andrews POV)

I groan hearing another knock on my door, as I have to pause what i'm assembling again.

I hope it's not her again cause I am definitely not in the mood for her tantrums. And besides she's just exaggerating, I'm not making that much noice.

I walk over to my door and open it again just to reveal the same girl staring at me more angry than the first time....shit, she must have heard me.

I decide to play it cool and just act normal like I hadn't done anything or made any noise.

"Can I help you with something again?" I ask trying to keep my expression blank cause to be honest her angry expression is getting me kind of turned on...I mean she's quite hot if ya ask me.

She takes in a deep breath as her expression changes into...I don't just changed

"You know, I was coming up here definitely pissed but then during the few seconds i spent in the elevator I had enough time to think, and I was no longer angry I was just curious. Please do permit me to enter your abode" she says not even waiting for my permission and immediately barging in

What the.....? Who does that....?

"Uhmmm, not to sound rude but-" I immediately start to say but she raises her hand signalling for me to shut the fuck up

Excuse her?....this is my apartment not hers and she shouldnt shut me up in my own house

I admit...when I barged into Adams office I was quite startled to see such a beautiful lady, sooo I just kept staring at her, her beauty was quite captivating....but she? She stared longer and her actions held no filter whatsoever....she outright check me out and didn't stop until she was done.

Normally I'd feel awkward and uncomfortable when someone does that but I was quite cool with it...infact I loved it. Knowing that such a beauty admired me? Was quite fascinating. I was just amazed by her outrightness and when she noticed that I had noticed that she was checking me out, she didn't even look embarrassed at all. She acknowledged the fact that she checked me out and that I was aware that she did and she didn't give a fuck.

I totally liked her after that but what was a plus for me was when she told me straight up that she didn't like me, I totally swooned. How can someone have so much confidence, I was totally amazed and couldn't help but smile. I totally loved her character. Although she wasn't necessarily the type of woman I'd go for in the past but....types change and my type is this beauty right here.

I close the door behind me and follow closely behind her, making sure to watch her every move not knowing what she's going to do next.

And i absolutely love the fact that I don't know what she's going to do next..the feeling is exhilarating If ya know what I mean.

I don't try again to stop her from entering or complain cause I know she wouldn't listen, from her facial expression I know she's already lost in her own world cause she also kept zoning out when Adam was introducing us and anytime she did she had that lost look that she has on now.

I'm a weird guy, I love a challenge and believe me she looks like a challenge...what challenge?...i don't know but I know she is a challenge.

It has only happened to me once before, when you meet a woman and you just know that you want to have a relationship with her. The first time this happened to me would be five years ago when I met my first love but things didn't really end well (I wouldn't want to go into details but let's just say the whole thing spiralled out of control).
But the feeling happened again, yesterday when I met gorgeous Miss Atilola Benson.

I'm a romantist so no one judge me if i'm being sappy, I love dating and I love love. It's brings a nice feeling to the heart and warms you up making your body feel all mushy and nice.

I'm a nice guy, no bad boy for me. I'm a typical dude who loves to eat and have a good time. I have a normal family...except a dead dad and a new step dad but asides from that my family is alright and I love them so much I will give up everything for them.

I'm relatively rich...i know you must be wondering how a radio host is rich, well i'm not actually supposed to be a radio host.  To think I'm actually the owner of a very big late dads company. He passed it down to me in his will but instead of running it fully myself, I hired a manager to run it for me and I only go there once in a while to check on dad also left me a huge sum of money, why? I have no idea cause he already gave me the company which makes mad money so I wouldn't need more money...but he still did it anyways. Perks of being an only child right? Top that with my grandparents trust fund for their only grandchild then we've got ourselves a trillonaire a.k.a me

I don't show it though, I don't go around flaunting my money around and riding the latest cars-although my fair share of cars are quite on top- and I also don't live in a big palace that practically screams money. All those things attract attention which I don't want and fake ladies which I also don't want.

After about Two minutes of letting her look around I decide to speak up, i'm getting tired and I want to sleep soo she better get going

"hey, Uhmm I think it's time for you to leave" I say trying to sound as nice as possible. Don't get me wrong, I like her but to an extent for now. I don't really know her so I can't say much right now.

She doesn't listen to me and walks right in front of what I had been trying to do for the whole night.

"that's not right, who the fuck would arrange something like this" she murmurs under her breath but I catch it immediately. I should feel offended by her tarnishing of my hard work but I don't, instead I smile at her totally confused and curious gaze she gives my centre table. Why is she so curious? She looks too cute for her own good especially with her messy bun, nerdy glasses, sweatshirt and bumshort which I have noticed shows her perfectly toned legs...beautiful legs...

I just stare at her as she looks so focused and as she kneels to get a closer look. She turns her head towards me abruptly that i'm startled that she might have caught me staring, but I don't think she did but if she did she didn't dwell on it cause she asked me a question not relating to the staring

"is this what has been making noise? All night?" she askes me as I slowly nod and immediately open my mouth to apologise for the noise situation...not wanting to miss my opportunity a second time, but she isn't paying attention to me anymore and is trying to do the table.

"are you dumb? Who does a table like this?" she askes me again. It sounded like a insult but it wasn't, she is actually asking if I was dumb and how I would do something like this. She wasn't mocking me, she was truthfully asking me...what the????

"Uhmm no? I'm not done yet sooo" I try to defend the shit I assembled but she just scoffs and eyes the whole arrangement

"by the looks of it you won't ever be done" she tells me as she continues inspecting the deformed this time she was mocking me.

"Well, if you're done inspecting then please leave" I tell her but she behaves like she didn't hear me and starts to disassemble it until it back to square one. I'm about to complain cause all my hardwork was what she had just ruined, but I'm cut short when she starts to pick up the pieces and assemble them, this time it's the right way and not the Shit I've been doing.

I keep quiet and watch her assemble the table till she was done. I'm about to thank her as she walks straight towards me but I don't get the chance to cause she walks right past me muttering something like 'that would keep the noise down' before leaving my apartment...shutting the door behind her and leaving me gawking....

What the heck?!!

Authors note

Heyyy guys,

Sorry this chapter is coming late. Ive been quite busy

A big shout out to Ifeh_love for my cover...thanks a lot

Hope you enjoyed this chapter cause I did....

Lotta love💗💖

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