Chapter One🦋

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I've done this all before


"let's break up" I say for the seventh time this year and believe me when I say it's only October.
I wonder how many more times I'll say this words before I finally never...asper never marry...or if I'd just keep on saying this words for the rest of my life.

"you can't actually be serious with me Atty" he says looking at me with disbelief probably wondering where things had gone wrong between us.

"Believe me, I seriously don't want to date you anymore" I say trying to break It down to him

"what? Its only been two months and you end things between us just like that?" he askes me as I just nod my head already tired and mentally stressed to continue this conversation.

My eyes immediately drift to the wristwatch I have on and on immediately on panic mode. I already start to pack my bag before realising there's still someone in this room...uhhh, why hasn't he gone yet, I thought the conversation was already over. Maybe he needs time to process what's going on.

"look, I have to get to work unless i'm going to be late and I don't want that soo please delete my number and not look for me again...and pls don't forget to lock the door behind you when you leave. You seem sad but if it makes you feel any better, the reason for our breakup is not because of you but because of me" I finally say and swing my handbag on my arm, straighten my clothes so it doesn't look wrinkled and head towards the door scolding myself for forgetting to iron my cloths just because i was delibrating how to break it off with him easy and quiet.

I'm already halfway to the door when the next words he utters from his mouth stops me in my tracks..

"I should have known, they all told me you were different and that this will happen. Autism right?" he says with an evil laughter at the end of his sentence

Here I thought he was going to be different but I guess I was wrong once again..i should've known this was going to happen.

My uncaring facade threatens to crack a bit but I shake my head reminding myself that his words will not hurt me...i turn slowly to face him watching as his smirk falters a bit at a glance at my blank facial expression. It doesn't take me long to realise what he's trying to do.
He was trying to break me, he wants me to cry and beg for him to accept me back...but guess what

🎶 ive done this all 🎶
🎶 oh yes I've done this all before🎶

This part of this song just makes me remember all the times this has been said to me and believe me it's a lot of times.

At first when this exact words were said to me if broke me everytime but now I've toughned up and I don't let things like this affect me or atleast I don't let them know that things like this affect me...

His smirk falls even more when I don't give him the tears and wails he expected as I put in a smirk of my own.

" close but not actually asperger syndrome. You should look it up. If that's cleared up, I'll take my leave now" I say as calm as possible, he shouldn't know that his words had effect on one should know.

I leave my house, closing the door behind and immediately get into my car and head to work.

While driving my mind wanders around as I drive as fast as possible to beat me when I say traffic in Lagos is baddd!!! It's the worst place to be stuck in.

Why do people keep mistaking my syndrome to not autistic. Plus even if I was autism isn't that bad... People that have autism are just different but that doesn't mean they are not humans.

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