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Thousands of questions were flowing in my mind. I throw away my thoughts and i ran after Jungwon. I catch up with him.

"You miss me already huh?" He smirks.
"Why are you flirty today? Did you bump your head or something?" He laughs at my question and stop walking. He looks at me "I know you are enjoying it." He smirks. "No I'm not" He bent down to my level and say "oh yeah? then why are your cheeks red?"
He raised an eyebrow and smirks at the same time.

"I'm not blushing, it just that uhh- nvm im going" I walk away from him. "cute" he muttered.

I ran inside my room quickly and lock the door. "eeeeeehhh what is he doing to me?" I lean against the door and sat down.
he is totally driving me insane.


Yeona was walking down the hallway, Jungwon was coming in the other way. They bumped into each other. She give him a blank look. "Oh look like i have a stalker" He scoffed. "I don't mind you being my stalker" He whispers and smirks.
"What the f-" He covers her mouth with his hand. "Shhh don't say that"

"Are you drunk?" She thought he was drunk but she was wrong. He was just in his flirty mood. "Darling if i was drunk, i would not be in control when u are infront me" He smirked and walk past her. She was left speechless. No words could escape her mouth.


It was time for Yeona to meet the person that they mentioned. She had no idea who it was. She went outside and waited. To her surprise, a silhoutte was walking towards her direction. The person's face could not be seen as it was covered with coat hood.
The person stopped walking infront of her and takes off her hood which reveals no one except the Kim Jennie.

Yeona's eyes widend as her lost sister was fnally infront of her. She burst into tears and hug her. The two lost sisters finally hugged each other after so many years. "Wher-e have you be-en all th-is year?" Yeona sobs at the same time. Jennie could not stop crying nor talk. She was just crying in her sister's arms.

"I-I miss-ed you so much." She cries harder in her arms. "After so many years, i've finally find you." Jennie hugged her tighter.
They pull away from each other.


Inside the castle, they were all gathered in the big room. As the two girls walked in, they greeted them and made them sit down. They asked several questions, Jennie answered all of them. Yeona thought it would be uncomfortable for Jennie in this situation but fortunately it wasn't. She always liked meeting new people.


[Yeona's POV]

"I can't believe that i've finally found you" I chuckled and say "Me either" She also chuckles. "I need to go now, u need to rest. I will pay you visit sometimes" She place her hand on my cheek. "you sure?" She nods,smiling. I guide her outside and hug her one last time for saying goodbye. I closed the door and went upstair.

As i was walking towards my room, someone grab my wrist and pulled me in an empty room. It was no one but Jungwon.
He pinned me against the wall and look down at me as i was shorter than him. My cheeks turned red and i tried to hide it. He lift my chin with one finger to make me look at him

and say.......



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