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"Because I...."

"Because I-" He got interrumpted by Ni-ki.

"JUNGWON HYUNG LOOK AT WHAT I FOUND." He barges into his room. I quickly push Jungwon away.

"LOOK-" Ni-ki says then stop when he saw me with Jungwon. He smirks and say
"Ayyyyy" with an evil face.
"I know what happened~" He teases us.

"Ok i'll leave you two alone~" Ni-ki says and go outside. "Make sure to close the door huh" He whispers, peeking his head in the half open door then close it fully.
Jungwon sighs.
"I forgot to tell you. Someone wants to meet you tomorrow night" Jungwon looks at me.
"Who is it?" i frowned. "You'll see tomorrow."
I nod.

The room was dead silent. No one dared to speak. It was too awkward in the room.
"I'll go bacl to my room. If you need anything, just tell me" I bow at him. He also bow back and i open the doot and close it.

I quickly ran to my room and jump on my bed. EEEEEEHH HE KISSED MEEE AHHHHHHH. HE FINALLY KISSEDD ME....AAHHHHHHH.

[Jungwon's POV]


Voices in my head screaming and i smiled a little bit thinking of her. 'I didn't get to let her' my smile turned into a small pout. 'I hope next time'

[A few minutes later]
(if you are confused by what time is it. It's 5am)

I could not stop thinking about her. She keep coming in my mind. I wanted to see her again.

[Yeona's POV]

I didn't realize that i've been thinking of Jungwon this whole time. I look the clock, I sigh and get up. I went to the bathroom and do my routine. After that I go out of the room and walk downstairs. I saw all the members downstairs except for Jungwon. Maybe he is still in his room.

"Oh Yeona yiu're here" Heeseung put down his drink on the table. "Come here" I sat down on a chair. Heeseung then give me a red coloured drink. I look at him confusely. "Drink it, I know you didn't drink anything." I took the glass, "Is that blood?" I point at the glass. Heeseung nods. "You need to drink blood to control youself from biting people." I look at the drink in disgust and drink it.

I made a disgust face when i finished.
Omg how can they drink that, it taste so bad what the hell.
"urghh i hate it ahh Jinja" (Jinja= Seriously)
"You will get use to it, trust us" Sunghoon looks at my disgusted face. I nod my head
"Well can i have water now?" Sunoo then give me a glass of water. I swallowed down quickly.

Jungwon then walk downstairs. He look at me with a confused face. "Is she okay?" he asks  "Yup, She just drank a glass blood, that's why her face is like that" Ni-ki tries not to laugh. I shot a glare at Ni-ki. He then give me an 'innocent' smile. Jungwon chuckles a little bit and sat next to me. "You will get use to it" He smile a little bit.

[it is 8am]

I walk around the castle, don't know what to do. An idea pops out in my mind. I went to my room and take my arrows and the bow. I go outside where i used to practice. I've been practicing for at least 1 hour. Someone walks towards me, It was no one but Jungwon.

"What you doing?" He looks at me. "Oh I'm just practicing, uhh do you want to try?" I smiled to him. "You want me to try?" I nod my head. He took the bow and shot in the middle. "Woah you're good at this." I smiled at him.

"Really?" He then pull me by my waist, making me bump on his chest. "Do you know what else i'm good at?" He smirked. My eyes widend.

"Did you seriously forgot about." He come closer to my ear and whispers "the kiss?" My cheeks turned so red.

"Don't worry i will make you remember tonight" He smirked and walk away.
I was so speechless that a word couldn't escape my mouth. Why is he so flirty today?
Did he bump his head or something?
Did he drink the wrong blood?



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