One Chance of Purity

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Hello readers, I'd like to promote one of my other stories.  If you like this story, and if you like werewolves and magic then you'll like this one.  It's called One Chance of Purity.  Anyways, I hope if you liked my story and my writing, then check out this story.  I'd apreciate it <3 Mil

P.S. if your under 17, then it won't be a good idea to read some parts of this story, i have the chapters marked.


Chapter 1

            The sunny day that mid-spring left powerful aromas that tickled the inside of my nostrils.  Green plants stretched towards the sky, bees sucked nectar from the lilies.  The forests behind the town blanketed the low sky with green wild plants.  Birds flew happily, and all the animals giggled with glee for the warm weather, even me.

            My genes closely relate to the wolves that lurk in the lush forests up north.  This was an unusual place for them, but some journeyed here to find refuge, but all they feel is the sweltering heat.  Even with my freshly shed coat, the heat roasted the top of my head.  Considering I only changed once, my senses hit me full force when a slight gust of wind picked up.  I strangely wanted to jump into the woods and slide my back across damp leaves, even though the forest edge of Ocala stayed as dry as fire.  Ever since my first shift, I refused to change back.  My bravery sunk when I saw too-familiar eyes watching.  Exposed to my best friend took its toll on my trust in people.  Now, weeks later, he told me he understood, but I didn’t want him thinking I would hurt him.

            “Hey,” a smooth deep voice scared the butterflies in my stomach, bringing me back to reality.  He slid into view from behind a tree and walked up to me.  I smiled shyly, my eyes flicking from him to the ground.  His glowing amber eyes looked over my body as he smiled with familiarity.  His jet black hair stuck to his forehead with sweat, the purple and blue flecks almost visible.  His stature reached only a foot above mine, so I looked at his chest if he stood too close.  His nose curved out slightly, and his smooth face kept a little baby fat.  He was skinny, but at thirteen he just started puberty.  He still didn’t know how much I liked him.

            “Hey,” I replied, unable to kill my smile.  His smile matched mine equally.  He looked into my eyes again, his smile slowly faded and a shadow clouded his eyes.  He looked down at the ground in sadness. “What’s wrong?”

            “I-I can’t tell you,” he said and turned to walk away, but I grasped his arm and he stopped.  He sighed and turned his head to look at me from the corner of his eye. “I need your full trust.”

            “You have all my trust,” I whispered just loud enough so he could hear me.  He pulled me along, walking us deeper into the dense forest.  I watched him, confused, and a million questions rang through my head.  Wherever he took me must have been a secret, and I couldn’t wait any longer.  I almost begged him to tell me, but thought better of it.  Our friendship was quite complicated; even I didn’t understand it sometimes.  I was compelled to him; I felt a need to be in his presence.  Like love, except we were young and didn’t even know the meaning of love.  I lost my breath at the mere sight of him.

            We stopped walking at a wall of red grape vines that towered high over our heads and into the tips of the trees.  I couldn’t see beyond, but I knew I would love what lay on the other side.  He smiled at me briefly, and I returned it.  He pushed away a clump of the vines, creating a small door just big enough for us to walk through.  He stepped in, still holding the vines.  I walked in and stepped next to him, smiling at him before turning to look at the scene.

            A small field spread out beyond the vine wall, glistening with the sunlight.  The wall stretched around the field, and only a few trees straggled inside.  I wasn’t surprised when I found no sign of animal life.  Just plants.  Butterflies fluttered and birds flew above, but the only other animal life was busy bees.  I gaped, unable to shake its beauty.

            “You like it,” he whispered, his breath brushing the hair over my ear.  It tickled, and I giggled as tingles slipped up my spine.  He took my hand, intertwining his fingers in mine.  He pulled me into the center of the field, and we sat down facing each other.

            “This place is beautiful,” I said, squeezing his hand.  I smiled looking at the perfect blue sky above.

            “Actually it’s not the only thing I want to have your complete trust in,” he said.  He placed a small box in my hand, keeping his eyes on me.  Opening it, a small necklace ‘s face shined up at me.  It as a gold heart locket with a wolf etch in the middle.  The wolf howled up at the moon.  I hugged him around the neck thanking him for the gift.  I looked back into his eyes, but he stared at the ground.  I bent down, our faces almost touching.  He looked into my eyes and smiled nervously.  I looked at him with my questioning face, and he caved in. “I need you to keep a secret.”

            “Of course,” I said, brushing my nose against his.  We both laughed a little, until his face turned melancholy.  I gave his lips a light flirtatious kiss, trying to cheer him up.  I never understood why I did it. “You know I’ll keep a secret.”

“Keep this place safe,” he said, leaving me clueless.  My head blankly looked for the answer.  He held my hands in his, looking at me with sad eyes.

            “Angus,” I said, almost breaking into tears.  I suddenly realized what he meant.  He looked up at me with sad eyes, and my heart sank.

            “I’m sorry,” he said.  I almost missed his somber words. “You knew this was coming.”

            “But not so soon,” I wailed, my voice cracking with tears.  “If you had waited any longer maybe things could change.”

            “Selena, it’s not your fault.  This is my call,” he said.  Tears flowed out of my eyes, and he took my face in both his hands.  I tried to look at him, but now it was unbearable.  Our paths separated beyond this point, and our friendship disintegrated.

            “But I don’t want to lose you like this,” I said, shaking with sobs.  I couldn’t stand this any longer it burned my heart. “I don’t want you to die!”

            “Selena, I just can’t deal with this anymore.  Either way I’m going to die soon.”

            “But don’t kill yourself,” I shouted, I stood up and stormed back to the wall keeping us from the woods.  He came after me, turning me and grasping my face in his hands again.

            “Selena, I know you don’t like it, but this is my choice.  Just don’t tell anyone,” he said.  I nodded in reply, my lip quivering with tears.  He brushed his nose against mine, our lips just meeting for a moment.  He pulled back and looked at me. “Pretend you had no idea, and you should be fine.  I’m sorry, but you won’t see me after this.”

            He pushed the vine away, and I stepped back into the forest, keeping my eyes away from him.  He brushed my face with his fingers and dropped the vines, disappearing back into the field.  I felt the barrier between us, a brick wall forming in my head to block out any remorse.  I never went home.  I sniffled again, wiping my nose on my wrist before morphing.  My bones stretched and a shudder moved through me as my bones changed shape and I fell to four legs.  A rogue wolf watched me, and I nodded at it, panting as my shift ended.  I pushed my nose through the vine, popping my small front paws and my head through the wall.  I walked fully in, and hid behind a tree so he couldn’t see me.  I could just make out his small, dark figure and what he did.

            I watched him take out a dagger.  He looked at the blade, sliding a finger up the slippery silver.  He brought it to his wrists, slicing a line through each of them.  He looked my way, frowning with a tear halfway down his cheek.  He brought the dagger to his stomach, and jabbed it right above his bellybutton.  He fell to the ground, the dagger still in his hands.  I pulled my ears back and whimpered.  He was gone, and so was my heart.

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