8=The Dorito Luvs Me?

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@NayeliLeon9, you're a miracle.

¬(Y/N) POV

That 'thing' is dead meat.

"Bill! What are you doing here?!?" Dipper yelled at the weird thing.

"Don't worry Pinetree," That Bill said, "I'm not gonna touch you, I just want your little girlfriend here."

"What?" He - That thing wants me?!?

"You see kid-"

"Yeah, I can see, but I don't think YOU can see! You only have one eye!"

What? I really wanted to say it!

"Ya see kid, I like you. I like like you."

"Sorry, you're a dorito and I'm a human, this can't work."

"Are you sure you're a human?"

My eyes widened and my jaw dropped. What? HOW DID HE KNOW?

"I know LOTS of things." He said, like he read my mind.

He snapped and poof, he became human..

He held his hand out and said, "Listen Bloody Fang, let's have a deal, you come with me and I won't tell anyone about your little secret."

Dipper looked at me,"Little secret?"

I stepped back, I feel like everyone's against me.

I ran out of the shack and into the forest.

Great. I'm running away again.

I saw a lake and walked over to it. I saw my reflection and my fangs were finally gone. I put my hair back to its natural hairstyle.

"Stupid fangs! How can I hide you guys?!?" I screamed.

"If you come with me you don't have to worry about your fangs, you don't have to hide anything!" Bill said. I looked behind me and I saw he was there.

"I don't like you, Bill!" I screamed at him.

"Well, how about you come with me and I won't tell Dipper your little secret and I let you see your family again?"

W-what? My family?

I felt his hand on my shoulder.
"Tick tock, kid."

"You'll let me see my family again?"



I shook hands with him and the blue flames on his hand spread to mine.

"Alright, kid. Here, you'll see your family again." He gave me a picture of my family.

"What?" I can't believe it. I was tricked. "I thought you meant I can meet my family again! Bring them back to life!"

He laughed and snapped. Suddenly, we were in a mansion, everything was golden. This must be Bill's mansion.

"You!" I screamed at him, "YOU LIAR!" I jumped at him but I just went through him.

"Bad kitten." He said, and tossed me in a cage.


He laughed like crazy and left.
"I swear, Bill. You. Will. PAY."

Well... This is it... It'll take a long time to update... School starts tomorrow... So... See you soon. I have to fix some issues with the rage shiz. And I'm gonna delete stuff in my create and my library and archive. What? Wattpad is taking all the space in my phone!

Ok, BAI!


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