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Jaime couldn't catch a fucking break. Even with his new motivation, the Greyhounds still haven't won a match.

While Alicia was disappointed, she was also very much ok with it. Just for funsies, ever since they made the deal, she'd been teasing him relentlessly.

She wore lip gloss more, slutified her body language around Jaime, the clothes she wore were a little skimpier. Nobody except Jaime noticed, but if the question of whether or not her style changed a bit was brought up, it would probably end up being noted.

She loved seeing him in pain. Made it more hot for her.

Then they lost at a friendly in Amsterdam. Brutally. To rub it in Jaime's face, Alicia was going to ride back with the team in the bus while looking super cute in his football shirt and talking to him in the comforting tone she knew he liked.

She was a shoulder to cry on with sadistic motives.

And Jaime didn't cry on it, he just leaned on it while feeling like shit. But it didn't last long. Ted said 3 magical words:

No. Curfew. Tonight.

They just had to be back at the bus by 10 tomorrow morning.

Everyone started planning excitedly. Alicia decided that she'd do her own thing, maybe go see some Van Gogh art while in Amsterdam.

Jaime said one comment of excitement and then Roy shut him down.


The bus went quiet. Roy got up.

"Let's go." He pointed at Alicia. "You. Go change."

"You serious?" Jaime asked, even though he knew the answer.

"You're not on fucking holiday from training."

"What about my stuff?"

"I got your 'stoohf.'" Alicia said, taking her things and his. "Where should I meet up with you guys?"

Jaime thought about it for a second and texted her a location. "Head there after you change."


They got off the bus and she watched him and Roy run off.

She got changed in her exercise shorts, only these were twice as tight as the usual pair, and she showed off her sports bra by wearing a pink hoodie cropped to just the sleeves and hood. She didn't get cold easy, she'll be fine.

Alicia jogged to the place Jaime sent her, and she instantly saw him while he was doing his trademark hip thing while Roy was trying to hide how tired he was.

"Did I miss anything?"

"Just in time, actually! Was telling Roy that this is Skinny Bridge."

"Yeah, from that one James Bond movie."

"Exactly! Next up, Amsterdam's thinnest house. Gonna blow your guys's fucking minds."

"Giving us the grand tour, are you?"

"You know it!" Jaime and Alicia started jogging off. He called to Roy as he did a cart wheel. "Get movin, lad!!"

The Lasso Effect                     𝐉𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐞 𝐓𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐭Where stories live. Discover now