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Alicia felt much better about herself the next day. She was in an outfit she felt comfortable in for once, and she loved how she looked.

Roy gave her a ride to work, and she went up to Rebecca's office.

"Hiii. What do you think?" She spun around in her outfit.

"That suits you."

"Thank you! I worked in that meeting for you, it'll be later next week."

They heard a knock and the door opened. Ted poked his head in. "Knock a doodle doo!"


"Good morning, Coach Lasso."

"Well, look at us! Just a gaggle of worm addicted early birds, aren't we?" Ted put his backpack in the seat by Alicia in front of Rebecca's desk.

"I brought you something. Cookies! Or as you say it here, biscuits. Although I don't recommend you smother these in gravy. Sorry kiddo, I didn't bring you a box."

"Oh, that's fine. I'm very picky with my sweets, and I don't really like biscuits."

"Fuck me!" Rebecca blurted. She had taken a bite of the biscuit and immediately fell in love with it. "Where did you get these?"

"I'm glad you like em! Y'know what, I'll start bringing these to ya every morning! Call it Biscuits with the Boss, yeah?"

"That really isn't necessary."

"Mark this down as the first time we disagree, then. Actually, second. Tea is absolute garbage water and I don't know why y'all do that. Anywho, we can't be good partners unless we get to know each other. Say, Alicia, is there anything I can bring you in the morning? Hate for you to feel left out."

"Oh, uh... well, if you ever see a cool rock on your way here, I'd gladly accept it."

"I've never had that kind of request, but I like it. Alright, question for the room! Real easy one, first and best concert, boss is first, go!"

"Uh, Spice Girls! And ah... Spice Girls."

"Same answer for both, I like that! Alicia?"

"I think my first concert was the Wiggles, actually. My favorite is either Metallica or Gorillaz."

"Ooh, nice! Ok, my turn. I mean come on, it was the Gambler himself, Mr. Kenny Rogers." He started singing a Kenny Rogers song.

"Ok, stop." Rebecca said when Ted tried to turn it into a duet. "Ted, I'm sorry, but Biscuits with the Boss isn't something that I have time for this morning. Or ever."

"Hear ya loud and clear boss," said Ted as he got up from his seat and went to the door with his stuff.

"You're going to show up tomorrow with biscuits and a rock, aren't you?"

"Oh, I wouldn't bet on that! Unless you wanna win a buttload of money. Ha ha! High five, tree thing!"

Alicia laughed as he slapped the branch of a decorative tree thing. "Funny man. Shame he's being used to destroy this place."

The Lasso Effect                     𝐉𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐞 𝐓𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐭Where stories live. Discover now