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Once Keeley put Alicia in some pink loungewear so she could look cute while she had a breakdown, they sent Roy to a very specific restaurant to get food so that it would take him about an hour to get back, which was the estimated time that the whole process would take.

He didn't question since he'd had a feeling they needed some one on one time, and it was his best friend and his girlfriend, so who is he to refuse?

Stage one was scream therapy. If you do it right, it doesn't hurt your throat, it warms it up. Alicia screamed in a closet, a pillow, the floor, the backyard, and on the roof.

Stage two was crying. You went through that one no matter what, even if you didn't feel sad or particularly bad. It was healthy, and usually helpful. Alicia cried both frustration and sad tears.

Stage three was the actual talking part. Keeley was an active listener, providing supportive remarks and sounds when it seemed appropriate.

Alicia talked about how upset she was that one of her closest male friendships was ruined. She didn't blame Jaime for having feelings, but it made her wonder if he ever saw them as platonic in the first place. In full honesty, she felt a bit attracted to him, but she didn't feel prepared to try to pursue these feelings at this point in her life.

Not to mention how uncomfortable it made her when he didn't even say something like "I have feelings for you" or "I like you and would like to go out sometime" and instead jumped straight to "I love you" without hesitation! The little apology he gave before just leaving her like that was essentially useless.

And she felt scared of what was going onto come next, Jaime might pressure her for a response, pretend nothing happened, threaten to kill himself if he didn't go out with her! Men like that exist out there, it could be a possibility!

But even saying that out loud, she knew it couldn't be something he'd do, because he just wouldn't do that to her, especially if he really cared about her.

Stage four was karaoke. Usually it's a selection of songs that relate to the situation that you sing as expressively as you can in order to soothe your soul. Alicia went through the works, SZA, ABBA, Beyoncé, Rihanna, Bruno Mars, Juan Gabriel, Selena, that sort of thing.

And the final stage came just in time, stave five, food. Roy walked in with it while Keeley and Alicia were pouring their souls out. While eating, they made him sing them a Celine Dion song and then they did a sleepover style makeover on him after.

It was all very emotionally helpful.

Alicia hadn't gone down to the pitch with the team in a while. She was too nervous to be close to Jaime after the funeral incident.

That's why she resorted to spying from the windows of Rebecca's office. She would sit on the couch staring and squirming with the desire to go and play.

Especially today, because they were practicing the choreography to the *NSYNC song Bye Bye Bye. But it granted her a decent view of Edwin Akufo's helicopter landing without getting her hair messed up by the wind.

She got to see them get it right and burst into celebration from their achievement. She wished she could've been part of it.

Anyway, Rebecca and Sam's whole situation got a little more complicated when Akufo said he wanted to buy him and his player contract for him to play on an African team he was gonna get together.

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