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It was only natural that Alicia could freely care about football once it was time for Richmond's defining match. If they lost this, then the club was getting relegated.

They were going against Man City, and it was quite the turnout. Leslie's whole family was up with Rebecca, Alicia, and Keeley.

When the team came out, Keeley and Alicia cheered loudly for Roy, even though he was benched. Dani waved when he saw his friend and she smiled and did the same.

When Jaime was on to start the game, Alicia yelled "puto" loud enough for him to hear.

As soon as the game started, she was anxious. For the first half, it was nothing but closeness. Both teams nearly got the ball in, but the goalies did their job well.

In the second half, Alicia and Keeley screamed even louder for Roy because he was starting for the Greyhounds.

Didn't really do much for them at first because Man City got a goal from a penalty. After that, Jaime had the ball and was closing in. Alicia had seen this in too many games, and she was almost sure they were gonna lose.

But out of the blue was Roy, running faster than he ever had before, fueled with anger and delight that he gets to take on Jaime now that they're on different teams.

The man tripped Jaime and got the ball away, saving the team's skin. The stadium went crazy. But Alicia kept her eyes on her friend.

"... he's not getting up."

Keeley squeezed her arm and watched intently with her as the team and went to check on him. The crowd sing his song with pride. Alicia had to be the loudest and proudest of them.

She didn't stop as she watched him limp off the pitch, likely leaving it for the last time. Keeley got up to go check on him.

"Tell him how much I care, yeah?"

"Yeah. I'll be there for a while, so I'll see you lit after the game."

Alicia nodded and leaned back in her seat, even more anxious than before. It didn't help that Crystal Palace won 6 nil.

But she felt more confident when she saw the boys yelling something. When she read their lips, she read "Lasso Special." She grinned as they got into American football formation.

With Man City dazed, they were able to get one in. Rebecca and Alicia jumped, celebrating. Unfortunately, it was premature.

Jaime was on the prowl. It was all over in a flash. He did the unexpected and made the extra pass, getting a second goal and officially relegating Richmond.

The loss made Alicia want a drink. She went to go find one before seeing everyone in the locker room.

Then she walked by a room with a window on the door. She saw Jaime sitting there. Before she could knock and flip him off, something hit the wall by him and he tensed up.

They made eye contact. Alicia saw his father get all up in his face and scold him, pushing his face. Her heart wouldn't slow down.

She didn't know what she was supposed to do. Should she go in and beat up that guy? Stand up for him? Get Jaime out of the room?

The Lasso Effect                     𝐉𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐞 𝐓𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐭Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora