chapter 38

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after reading the comments on her latest instagram post, delia was not sure what to think. originally, she believed that her time in michigan would be relaxing and distract her from the eternal battle she was fighting, but now she could see potential drama brewing. meanwhile, luke was terrified that delia was going to be mad at him. jack coming to town was not in the plan and luke didn't even know jack was thinking about visiting him. it all came up as a surprise to luke too. he was just hoping that delia knew he would have never invited her to michigan the same time as jack.

"delia, i promise you i had no clue that jack was coming to watch me play. it wasn't even on my radar," luke blurted out to break the silence in the youngest hughes brother's room.

the girl sighed, "i'm not mad at you, luke. why would i be? you clearly had no idea he was coming. i'm just thinking about how all of this is going to play out. it could either go well or really really bad. there's no in between."

luke let go of a breath he did not realize he was holding. he was extremely relieved his newly found best friend was not upset with him. luke did feel bad for her though. both quinn and delia had told luke about the text messages between jack and delia. it was clear to him that delia was still bothered by the conversation. luke also knew this went deeper than those text messages and that delia had not yet figured that out.

"we could use like a code word if you ever need me to get you out of an awkward situation," luke suggested.

delia laughed, "yeah because that's going to work well when you're out on the ice!"

"okay, well when i'm not on the ice. you'll have my parents too when i'm playing. it's not like you're ever going to be alone with him," the youngest hughes pointed out.

she knew luke had a good argument. the chances of jack and delia being alone was slim. despite this, it still made her anxious. no one likes seeing their ex let alone when you were under the impression they wouldn't be around. delia knew she would suck it up for luke. after all, the two had gotten close and she promised him she would visit him.

delia sighed, "you know what, you're right. i'm not going to let jack ruin my time with you. plus i can always call my therapist."

"you mean cole?" luke chuckled.

the girl laughed and nodded, "he's free and always gives good advice. i highly recommend him."

"as much as i love your recommendation, i'm going to pass on that one," the youngest hughes said.

the two continued to sit in luke's room, watching tiktoks together. that was until ellen yelled up the stairs for luke. he groaned as he know exactly why he was being summoned. the boy had to help his mom with dinner since delia was their guest. she had absolutely no idea what was on the menu but couldn't help but giggle at luke's reaction.

as he got up and death glared at the brunette, he stated, "you're laughing now, but it will be me after i poison your food." delia grabbed one of the pillows and chucked it at him as he left the room. not wanting to get up, delia left the pillow on the ground and went back on her phone.

suddenly, the video on her phone stopped playing as she saw someone was calling her. she was pleasantly surprised when saw it was her best friend. she couldn't lie to herself that she had secretly hoped it was quinn, but emery was just as good.

"delia!" was the first thing the brunette heard when she accepted the call.

the girl smiled as she responded, "hi emery!" that is when emery lost her cool and started rambling.

"i would have called sooner but i just saw your instagram post! oh my gosh, i am so sorry! do i need to come to michigan to save you? how dare jack come and visit luke the same weekend as you! when does he get there?" her best friend said nearly out of breath.

delia was about to answer emery's questions when another voice joined the conversation. "emery, calm down. let delia answer before you ask more questions," the voice had said. a voice that sounded oddly familiar. delia's eyes widen when she realized who that voice belonged to.

"no fucking way you're with turcs right now,  emery!" delia yelled so loud she was sure that the entire hughes family could hear it.

alex spoke again, "hi delia!" she could basically hear his grin through the phone.

"delia, i promise i will explain this whole thing later, but i called you to see how you were doing given—" emery was cut off.

alex corrected delia's best friend, "we called."

"my bad, we called to see how you were doing given the fact you'll be seeing jack very soon," emery continued.

delia was still trying to process alex being with emery. she knew she would hear about this later, so she tried pushing those thoughts aside. "i mean i'm not thrilled about seeing him and i'm a little nervous if i'm being honest. he comes in some time tomorrow, so i have a day to mentally prepare at least," she confessed.

alex was the first to respond, "i don't think jack is going to do anything especially with his parents around. he's not like that."

"yeah, just try to avoid him and only converse with him when you have to. if you ever need out of a situation you know you could always call one of us, even quinn," emery agreed with alex.

slightly annoyed, delia asked, "why does quinn always get involved in these conversations?" he was a reoccurring theme.

"i don't know, dels. it just seems like the two of you are getting close and he's always the one you're running to," emery stated as a matter of fact.

delia questioned, "do you believe this, turcs?"

there was silence on the line. she had made him uncomfortable. that was her goal. "you know what, i think i'm going to leave this conversation before i say something that will piss you off," alex rambled and then left.

"can i ask you something and you be completely honest with me?" emery asked delia.

very skeptical, delia answered, "yes, i suppose."

"do you like quinn?" emery was well aware of the groupchat trevor had made that let all the boys know the quinn liked delia. alex had showed her. she knew her best friend well enough to say delia had mutual feelings. the issue with delia is that she was in denial.

delia responded in less than a second, "nope, not at all." emery sighed. she knew delia was going to answer this way.

"okay, well i just thought i would ask, but i need to get back to alex before he breaks something in my house. if you need anything just call or text, okay?" emery sighed.

"i will, don't worry and don't forget you're not off the hook with this alex thing," delia pointed out. her best friend laughed as they said their goodbyes.

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