chapter 35

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the next morning quinn woke up to trevor aggressively poking his face, more specifically his cheek. trevor kept poking higher and higher up quinn's cheek bone. after trevor kept this act up for a good minute, quinn realized he wasn't going to stop. quinn groaned in annoyance and finally opened his eyes. right at the moment, trevor gave one final poke and nearly took quinn's eye out.

"what the hell man!" quinn shouted as he rolled over onto his side, facing the opposite direction of trevor. it was far too early for quinn to be up and he wasn't happy that trevor was the first thing he saw when he did wake up. it was not a face he wanted to see.

trevor moved to the other side of the bed and got in quinn's face again. this time, he didn't touch him. instead, he replied, "you still need to tell me about last night." quinn pulled the sheets up over his head and trevor rolled his eyes, "i know it has something to do with delia and i know you went to her room last night. might as well fess up."

"i don't want to talk about it, especially not with you," quinn mumbled. trevor could hardly hear him and ripped the sheets off of quinn. trevor was determined to find out what was going on.

the younger boy stated, "i'm not leaving until you fill me in. i have all day."

quinn thought about his options briefly. unlike trevor, he did not have all day. he actually had to catch a flight in a few hours. knowing trevor, there was a very high chance that he wouldn't let quinn leave anaheim until he got what he wanted. if quinn missed his flight, then his coach would be pissed and that would be a whole different problem. quinn determined he might as well get this over with.

quinn sat up and sighed, "fine. which part do you want to know first?"

trevor shifted so now he sat on the bed. he looked as happy as a child who was getting ice cream. quinn did not like seeing this side of trevor. it was unsettling and honestly kind of scared him. he also just did not want to have this conversation with his brother's best friend. trevor replied while sitting intently, "tell me what got you all blushing last night and then why tori took you into her room."

at those words, quinn began to blush again. "well, i was texting luke and he said that i should have fun with his future sister in law," he stated. quinn hadn't been able to forget what luke said all night. he was wishing that would be a reality but didn't want to get his hopes up.

trevor quirked his eyebrow, "does someone have feelings for my roommate's cousin?" this was something that trevor started to think about ever since quinn first arrived. it became blatantly obvious to him that something was going on between the two of them.

"i don't know if i would say that," quinn scratched the back of his neck.

slightly annoyed at the lack of substance coming from quinn, trevor rolled his eyes, "yeah, okay. so why did delia drag you to her room last night?"

"oh, delia wanted to talk to me about her conversation with jack. well, she was looking for jamie but ran into me first. the conversation was kinda weird. he was being nostalgic and sort of hinted that he wanted them to get back together, but took that back when delia said she wasn't interested. then, he said he missed her and wanted them to still be friends. delia agreed to it but with some boundaries in place," quinn responded.

trevor furrowed his eyebrows. he didn't think that quinn was lying. in fact, that sounded like something jack would do. trevor just knew he was missing the whole story. "that doesn't surprise me too much. we both know jack was stupid for letting delia go. however, i feel like you're holding back on me," trevor smirked as he saw red creeping up quinn's face once again. this boy was done for when it came to delia. trevor continued, "you can tell me, quinn."

"she called me a greek god," quinn inaudibly said. trevor couldn't even hear him.

trevor told quinn, "you're going to have to speak a little louder than that."

quinn said louder this time, "delia called me a greek god!"

trevor was shocked. he raised his eyebrows, "she called you a greek god? you're not even greek! how did that get brought up?"

"she was calling luke adorable yesterday and i joked around with her and i asked if she thought i was too. she said no that's not the right word to describe me but then the game started. so she told me last night while we were in her room that she thought i was more like a greek god than adorable," quinn explained still with rosy cheeks.

it was clear to trevor that quinn and delia were going to be a thing at some point. trevor wasn't sure how jamie would feel about it and he definitely knew jack would be bothered by it. that is his ex girlfriend and older brother after all. he could see this ending badly, but was not blind to the fact that delia was a different person around quinn. as much as trevor hates to say it, quinn would treat delia better than jack ever did, not that jack did a bad job.

"you, sir, are in love," trevor said with a smug smile.

quinn got defensive, "no, i am not!"

trevor got up from the bed and headed towards the door. he turned back around and teased, "if you're not in love, then why are your cheeks so red?" when quinn couldn't form a witty comeback, trevor knew he was right. he left quinn to sit in his room before he had to leave with the rest of his team.

meanwhile, quinn laid back in his bed. he slapped his forehead and whispered, "oh quinn, what did you just get yourself into?"

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