chapter 15

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after spending the entirety of the game with jack's family, it was safe to say she was comfortable around them and that her nerves had disappeared. that was for the most part at least. she was still slightly nervous about meeting quinn, but she knew that two would get along. every single member of the hughes family said quinn and her would be just fine.

the plan was for them to all meet up at the restaurant quinn had picked out. jim and ellen were going to drive themselves there, while jack was going to take delia and his younger brother. quinn said he was going to be running a little late and to go to their table without him. once they heard from quinn, luke and delia hopped into jack's car. the whole ride was filled with laughter and delia was really coming out of her shell. she loved being able to see jack around his family. it warmed her heart.

they arrived to the restaurant and told them their reservation name. jim and ellen had beat them there, so they were already patiently sitting at the round table. delia sat next to jack and ellen with luke next to jack and jim on ellen's left. they were conversing among themselves until a new voice entered their space.

"sorry for making you guys wait! the reporters wouldn't let me leave," quinn apologized as he took a seat between jim and luke. when he looked up once he sat down, he realized that he was sitting across from delia. he looked at her and said, "i'm quinn, sorry for not properly introducing myself before."

delia smiled and replied, "no worries! it's nice to meet you, quinn!" he offered a smile back.

not too long after, the waiter came by to get their orders. a majority of the time, delia sat there listening to the brothers all bicker and ellen trying to get them to be polite. she was perfectly content with not talking. delia would rather watch and observe. there were moments that she would butt in or some questions would be asked directly to her. all was going well. 

delia was snapped out of her thoughts when luke asked her a question. "delia, how did you end up with jack? i mean, look at him!" this caused jack to flick him in the head. 

"jack, don't flick your brother!" delia scolded her boyfriend. jack rolled his eyes jokingly. she then continued, "and luke, bold of you to say something when the three of you look the same."

the three of them exclaimed all at once, "no we do not!" ellen and jim laughed. the three brothers started pointing out differences between them while their parents and delia sat in amusement.

ellen interrupted them, "boys! knock it off! you're all handsome young men!" they each groaned and rolled their eyes. 

delia tried stopping her laughter and was successful until she made eye contact with quinn. she looked up at him as he was trying to take a bite of his steak. since he was wasn't paying attention, he completely missed and delia lost it. quinn also started laughing and blush crept up his face. 

"what's so funny?" jack asked beside her. 

in between laughs, delia replied, "i accidentally made eye contact with quinn as he completely missed his mouth!" tears were starting to form in her eyes. soon enough, the whole table erupted in laughter. 

after they were able to settle down, they continued to eat their food. she was having a great time with jack's family and he could tell. jack was over the moon that she was getting along with his entire family. it wasn't something that he was worried about, but it was something that deeply mattered to him. not too long after, dinner had finished and jim ended up paying for the bill. 

"thank you guys so much for inviting me!" delia said to jim and ellen as she hugged them goodbye.

jim replied, "thank you for coming and keeping jack in line!"

"don't be a stranger, delia! you can come visit at any time!" ellen told the young girl. after that, jim and ellen left to go to their hotel.

"since you guys don't know where i live, just follow me. luke, get in my car," quinn stated.

luke complained, "why can't i ride with delia and jack?"

"let the lovebirds have some alone time," quinn responded. 

with that, each group went to their respected cars. once jack and delia got into the car, he kissed her. "what was that for?" delia asked confused.

jack smiled, "for being an amazing girlfriend!" he put the keys in ignition and followed quinn. 

delia sat there thinking about the events that happened today. she loved his parents and thought luke was hysterical. she was glad she came. she started thinking that maybe everything between her and jack was fine. maybe she convinced herself that there was a disconnection from being so stressed. she was hoping she was correct. 

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