chapter 34

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delia decided to not respond to jack's last message. she dropped her phone and ran her fingers through her hair. it felt like that conversation took every single last brain cell of hers. she was exhausted and confused by the interaction. part of her was happy that jack reached out because he was such a crucial part of her life, but part of her was also annoyed because she was starting to finally heal. delia knew jack would never try to intentionally hurt her yet somehow she kept thinking he did this on purpose. she was becoming paranoid and needed to talk to someone about it.

delia walked out of the guest room and headed to where she thought jamie would be. she was in such a frenzy that she didn't even realize that she ran into a body. delia fell flat on her butt as the figure said, "i am so sorry! here, let me help you up!" she saw a hand reach out to her, which she gladly accepted.

"no, that's my bad. i wasn't paying attention," delia replied. she finally looked up to see who it was and low and behold it was quinn. even though delia orginally said she was seeking out jamie, she realized that maybe the boy standing in front of her was the better option. after all, jack is his younger brother. she added, "can i talk to you about something?"

quinn's stomach dropped. he knew this had something to do with jack and he began to think that maybe his brother had convinced delia to get back together. quinn shook this thought away and smiled, "yeah of course! you still have to tell me what you were going to say at the game anyways."

"i almost forgot about that!" delia chuckled. quinn started to frown, but quickly replaced it with laugh. delia noticed the slight change. she didn't say anything. instead, she grabbed quinn's hand and said, "come on, let's go to the guest room." at her touch, heat started to rise to quinn's cheeks. thankfully, delia was dragging quinn down the hall and couldn't look at him.

upon reaching the guest room, delia dropped his hand and went straight to the bed. quinn stood there clueless as to what to do. he had never been in a situation quite like this before. thankfully, delia saved him from too much embarrassment as she motioned him to sit next to her on the bed. very carefully, quinn sat down next to her, making sure he left an adequate amount of room between them.

"so, what is it you were wanting to talk to me about?" quinn cleared his throat. he was mentally preparing himself to be devastated.

delia responded, "so as you know, jack texted me. and it was kind of a weird conversation and i just don't really know how to feel about it. i just want someone else's perspective on it. and if this makes you uncomfortable, just let me know and i'll go talk to jamie about it. i promise i won't be upset."

"you can talk to me about jack. i mean, i probably know him the best out of anyone besides maybe trevor," quinn said a little too quickly, sounding nearly eager to know what happened between delia and jack. he then asked, "why was it weird? was he wanting you guys to get back together?" the moment that last question left his lips, he wished he could it back. quinn wanted to smack himself due to lack of discreetness.

delia furrowed her eyebrows, "well, not exactly. he sort of hinted at it, potentially. it's kinda hard to explain." she then handed quinn her phone and continued, "here, just read it for yourself. that's going to be way easier than me trying to explain everything."

quinn looked up from the screen to meet her eyes. he was still in shock that she was letting him read messages between her and his brother. quinn waited for a reassuring nod before scanning the text messages in his hand. he could see why delia was confused by jack. he made an odd comment about quinn and luke and then claimed he wasn't interested in dating. quinn knew jack's tactic all too well though. he was great at reading between the lines, especially when it came to his siblings. it had become apparent to him that jack was testing the waters and laying down groundwork to see if delia was open to resuming their relationship. this infuriated quinn even more so because he knew delia was finally moving on. the one thing quinn was trying to figure out was why jack felt the need to bring him up.

delia noticed that quinn had been sitting there for awhile now, just staring at the phone. she watched quinn's expression change several times from sad to annoyed to confused. she spoke up, "so what's your interpretation of that whole mess?"

quinn had to tear his eyes from rereading those messages again. now, he was overthinking the conversation, at least the portion about him. he looked back up to delia and responded, "well, i understand why you're confused. jack can be complicated and cryptic sometimes. i don't think he necessarily meant harm to you, but it's entirely up to if you want to actually pursue a friendship with him." quinn didn't want to tell her that he believed jack wanted them to get back together. part of him was hoping he was wrong, but also he didn't want to fully influence delia's decisions. quinn would feel guilty if he was the reason why delia decided to never be friends with jack again. he couldn't do that to his own brother.

"yeah, i know. i want to be friends with him, i really do. it just might be a bit hard at first. usually, exes can't be friends" delia explained. quinn nodded and handed delia her phone back. she added, "thank you quinn, i really appreciate it! i'm sorry if i've ever bothered you with talking about your brother. you're just really easy to talk to."

the brunette boy smiled, "you've never bothered me, don't worry about it. i'm always here to listen." at those words, delia smiled back. it was a cute and tired smile.

quinn was starting to feel like he was overstaying his welcome. he could tell that delia was tired and needed to get some sleep. he got up from the bed and started heading towards the door. delia stopped him though by saying, "quinn, i never told you what i was going to say at the game."

he turned back around and asked, "what were you going to say?"

"a greek god," delia confidently said.

"what?" quinn didn't believe he heard correctly. there was no way that delia had just called him a greek god.

but once again, delia said, "you're more like a greek god than adorable." his cheeks were now red. he had no idea what to say. thankfully, delia stated, "i'm getting pretty tired, but i'll see you in the morning. good night quinn."

"good night delia," quinn quietly shut the door behind him. he stood outside her room for a minute trying to process everything that just happened. quinn decided he was going to head to bed before jamie and trevor could question where he went. he would never hear the end of it if trevor saw him like this. quinn couldn't help it that delia made him turn into a schoolboy. that's when quinn knew he was in deep shit.

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