Neighbor - P.P

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Y/n's POV:

Something felt off today in Neverland. The air felt stuffier, warmer, like I was sharing the atmosphere with someone. Which would be crazy. See I've lived in Neverland for quite some time now. After I traded my old life as queen for my youth I was sent here. I lived a peaceful life and Neverland always provided... but I felt like something was missing that was keeping Neverland from truly being my home. And today, it felt like it was fulfilled.

I stepped out of my little cottage when I heard shouting. Yep, something is definitely wrong here. There was a... person on the island. I groaned as I went to say hello to my neighbor, equipped with my knife and bow in case some crazy landed here. I trudged through the forest as I made sure to step away from the Dreamshade in the area. The air felt thicker and I felt the presence of someone behind me. I turned to confront my captor and only had a second to take him in, his blue eyes and brown, fluffy hair framing his gorgeous face. Unfortunately that gorgeous face smirked as I felt a sharp pain in the side of my head as the world got blurry and I shut my eyes. Oh fuc-

(Guys his eyes are blue I searched it up)

Peter's POV:

I studied the girl tied up in front of me. She looked no older than 16, meaning one of the shadows I sent it must have brought her. Her Y/H/C hair shone in the light and her face looked like one of a queen's. She was stunning. However, I could look no more as she fluttered her eyes open and looked towards me. God her eyes were pretty. "Hello?" I snapped out of my haze. I couldn't be distracted.

"Look who's finally awake," I smirked. She rolled her eyes, "Just my luck. You must be the new neighbor." "Neighbor?" What did she mean? "I was told no one lived here." She huffed at me, obviously annoyed. That just made her look more beautiful. "That stupid shadow," she muttered and looked up at me. "Let me start again. Hi I'm Y/n Y/l/n. I'm Neverland's first occupant," she gave a fake smile. "What's your name and why am I tied up?" I cocked my eyebrow. "To answer your second question, you're tied up because I want you to be. And wouldn't you like to know my name." I step away, only for a moment and to my surprise, she pushes off the tree she was tied to and shoves me against onto the side of my new cabin. She has fire, that's for sure. And I like fire. She held her knife up to my neck and gritted her teeth. "Your. Name." I chuckled, finally giving her an answer. "Peter. Peter Pan."

Guys how was my first imagine? Please if you have any feedback let me know and I'll post a part two!

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