Close your eyes!

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Summary: You get married and meet Kurt during the preparations, but according to tradition you're not allowed to see each other before the ceremony

You don't know why, but Dave wanted to help you with the preparations, but only the ones that concern you. That means putting on the dress, doing your hair and makeup. Of course Dave doesn't do it personally, even if he offered it to you. You're sure it wouldn't look bad, but you want to look extra beautiful today. The day you make Kurt your husband. That's why your friends are helping you.

You come out of a small side room into the big one where Dave is sitting on a sofa with his legs wide apart. As he looks up his mouth stays open.

"Y/N... wow you look..." He searches for the right words. "Gorgeous."

You blush and look down at yourself. Your hands run over your big white skirt. "Thank you."

Your schedule is not big, soon the wedding ceremony starts. That's why Dave stands up and addresses your friend Lia who comes out of the small room. "Is Y/N done with the dress?"

Lia tells him that she has to put on the veil just before the ceremony, but everything else is ready. Dave immediately turns to you.

"We need to change rooms now. You need to get your hair and that cute little face fixed up." He angles his arms at his hips. "I hope we don't run into Kurt." He says more to himself than to you.

According to traditions, it is forbidden for the couple to see each other before the wedding ceremony.

"You have to help me carry my skirt." You ask Dave. He nods and lifts it up behind you.

"Okay. We need to make this quick. Do you know where we need to go?" You nod. "All right then, let's go."

Dave opens the door, looks right and left, and lets you through. You walk down a long hallway, turn a few times, and suddenly you see a golden head of hair turn the corner.

"Eyes closed Y/N!" Roars Dave as he peers over your shoulder and sees Kurt in his black suit. It's too late, you've already seen Kurt. He looks beautiful. Still, you quickly close your eyes. Dave has gone to so much trouble to prepare everything perfectly.

At the same time, Dave's excited voice draws the attention of his bandmate to you.

Dave lets go of your skirt and waves his arms in Kurt's direction. His blue eyes scrutinize you. A smile settles on his lips. You look like an angel. Only after he has examined you does he look at Dave.

"Close your eyes!" He shouts.

Kurt does as he is told and closes his eyes. He walks in your direction.

Dave sighs. "Great he saw you." Probably rubbing his face in exasperation.

You continue walking. "It's not like I'm completely fixed up yet. So it's not that bad."

"If you say so." You continue walking down the hall.

Finally, Kurt's fingers graze your abdomen. "Hey honey, you look gorgeous." He says, his fingers finding their way to your hips.

"Don't get too close to her. You're almost up her skirt." Says Dave, and you feel Kurt push back slightly.

"You're taking this way too seriously. My dress won't stay white today anyway." You reach out your hands, looking for Kurt's hands.

"It doesn't have to be dirty before the ceremony, though." Your hand is grabbed and pulled further forward. It's Dave's hand, it's much calloused from playing drums than Kurst's hand.

He places yours on the palm of Kurt's large hand. "Thanks." You murmur and squeeze Kurt's fingers.

"Finally, we become wife and husband." He says. You hear him smile proudly.

You can't help but smile, too. "Finally." Kurt's thumb rubs over your hand.

"I don't want to bother you." Says Dave suddenly beside you. You forgot he was still there. You can't see him. Your eyes are tightly shut. "But Y/N has to go on now. You'll see enough of each other today."

"I love you Y/N." Says Kurt, lifting your hand to his mouth. His lips gently kiss your knuckles.

"Love you too. I'll see you later." Reluctantly, you let go of him.

Dave hooks onto you and pulls you with him. "Don't open your eyes until I tell you." You nod. Shortly after, you turn the corner Kurt came out of.

"Now you can open your eyes again." You open them. "Quickly now. You and Kurt have spent a lot of time."

"It wasn't that long."

Dave ignores you and leads you across the hall to the next room where you're getting your makeup and hair done.

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