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Notes: based on the picture above
Summary: Kurt falls asleep during a photoshoot

Today is the pool photoshoot for the Nevermind album. Kurt was supposed to be at the arranged place very early in the morning. But since he had problems falling asleep you wanted him to sleep as long as possible. You woke him too late. That's why you were late for the meeting.

The car stops. You thank the driver. Kurt opens the door and gets out. He stands next to you and waits until you get out. Before closing the door he calls into the car: "Thanks again for the ride." He pushes the door shut.

Kurt grabs your hand. As you enter the pool with your hands entwined, everyone's heads turn.

"Oh, you guys made it here once." Dave greets you. Kurt replies with a tired voice and half-closed eyes. "Hello to you, too." He wants to turn before the group with you, but you shake off his hand.

"Honey, I just want to say hello to everyone. Then I'll be back with you." Kurt nods and lets go of your hand. "See you soon." He says softly and leans forward to you. He presses a kiss on the top of your head and smiles at you.

It looks like he is putting the last of his strength into it, he is so exhausted. You smile at him encouragingly and walk towards the small group.

You greet a few people individually, then you say to the group: "Kurt really didn't sleep very much last night."

"Is that why you came so late?" Dave interrupts you. You nod. "Yes, I wanted to let him sleep as long as possible. If he had slept any less, there would have been nothing to do with him today."

Dave nods with an understandable expression on his face. You smile. "If Kurt is looking for me, I'll be in the bathroom for a minute."

"I'll tell him." Dave assures you. You turn around and follow the signs pointing the way to the restrooms.

As you step back out of the building, you walk toward the group. Kurt is not to be seen.

You walk up to the small group, which consists of Dave, Krist and Kirk (the photographer). "Where's Kurt?"

Krist points with his hand in one direction. "He's lying there." "Did something happen?" You ask him worriedly.

Krist laughs. "No. Everything's fine. He's sleeping." You look in the direction. You see a white bundle lying on the edge of the pool. "He's sleeping?"

"Yes, after you left he came to us, asked about you and then went to sleep." You grin at the idea. He didn't seem to care about anything. He just wanted to sleep.

"And we don't want to wake him up. You said he was in a bad shape." You nod. "I'll go to him."

You turn around and walk towards Kurt. Shortly before him you stop. Kurt is lying on the hard floor. Only the white towel wrapped around him protects him. His arm serves as a pillow.

You see that he has no shirt on. He was apparently already ready for the photoshoot. This is also indicated by the electric guitar next to him.

You crouch down next to him. You stretch out your arm and run your fingers through his hair. A few strands have come loose. You tuck them back behind his ear.

Kurt opens his eyes and looks at you sleepily for a moment before closing them again. "Hey, are you okay?" You ask him softly. Kurt hums with his eyes closed.

He reaches out his hand and holds it in your direction. He waits until you have placed yours in his and then pulls lightly on your little hand. "Shall I lie down with you?" You ask.

Kurt nods. His blue eyes look at you. You smile lovingly at him and put the guitar aside. Kurt lifts the towel. You slide under it. Kurt pulls you to his chest. His arm lays around your waist.

His face rests in the crook of your neck. You feel him inhale your scent deeply.

It is amazingly cozy. The towel is soft and Kurt's body gives you warmth. His arm serves as your pillow. You intertwine your hands and give him a gentle kiss on his wrist.

You start playing with the cold metal of his wedding ring. You've always wanted a plain ring. Not a big diamond. Even though Kurt insisted on buying it for you. "Only the best for my wife." As he said.

You remember how excited he was when he asked you to be his wife. He was so afraid you wouldn't like the ring. But of course you thought it was beautiful.

At this memory you smile. "I love you." You whisper because you don't want to wake Kurt up again.

"I love you too darling." He answers softly with a scratchy voice. You feel his beard tickling your neck as he presses a kiss on it.

You continue to play with his ring until tiredness overcomes you and you fall asleep.

From a distance you hear Dave say: "Great, now the only one who dares to wake Kurt up has also fallen asleep."

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