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Summary: Kurt forgets your anniversary

You were expecting a surprise. Just like the last five years since your wedding. Every year Kurt has come up with something different. Once he gave you fifty bouquets, flowers with the most beautiful blooms you've ever seen. But this year, nothing. Not a single bouquet when you enter the house.

'He's been busy lately. I'm sure he didn't think of it.' You think to yourself, put your key on the dresser and enter the kitchen.

Kurt stands in front of the window, drinking coffee and looking out dreamily, not noticing that you have entered the room.

You grin, walk up to him and stand behind him, putting your arms around his hips. "Hey." you whisper as you nestle your cheek against his back.

"Hey you're here already." He leans back slightly, toward you. He sets the coffee aside. His hands clasp your fingers. "Yeah, I was able to leave early today because of our anniversary. So, happy anniversary babe." You kiss the soft fabric of his t-shirt. Kurt freezes.

"Wait, today is our anniversary?" He breaks free of your embrace and turns around. "Is it really today? Fuck!"

Kurt grabs his head, running through his blond hair. You know he'll blame himself for forgetting such an important day, which is why you placate him.

"Kurt it's okay. I know you have a lot to do. Working on the new album and the upcoming tour won't let you think about anything else." Your hand brushes his cheek.

Kurt leans into your touch, clasping your wrist. "It's not okay. I had something so beautiful planned."

You run your thumb over his cheekbones. "Trust me. It's all right. I'm fine with being with you. Let's just smoke a cigarette and talk together."

Kurt screws up his face and you look into each other's eyes. "Shit! I forgot about that. This is our sixth year as a married couple." Kurt lets go of your wrist and pulls you into a hug.

"I won't forget next year." He whispers in your ear and kisses your cheek. His beard tickling, you laugh. Kurt grins. "So we smoke and enjoy our time together?"

You nod. "Shall we sit in the garden?" Kurt agrees.

Together you leave the house, Kurt with a blanket under his arm, you with his coffee in one hand and a tea for you in the other, the pack of cigarettes in your pants pocket.

You walk through the garden to a bench on a lawn with beautiful flowers. You settle down, put the drinks next to you. Before Kurt sits down, he spreads out the blanket and wraps it around you from behind. He runs his hands over your shoulders "So you don't get cold." He says and kisses the top of your head.

When he finally sits down next to you you snuggle up to him and pull the pack of cigarettes out of your pants pocket. You offer Kurt a cigarette, which he gratefully accepts and puts between his lips. He lights it. You also put one between your lips and stick your head out towards Kurt.

He understands the gesture immediately and lights the cigarette for you. You take a drag. "Thanks." Kurt nods and leans back. "Can you pass me my coffee?" "Of course!" You reach beside you. "Here." "Thanks honey." Kurt thanks you. You lean your head against his shoulder. His arm wrap around your hip.

You say nothing for a long time, take a drag on your cigarette, blow out the smoke, and enjoy each other's presence and physical contact. Until you break the silence and put out the cigarette.

"You see. I don't need any special things for anniversary. Just you, next to me on this bench." You lift your head and kiss him, smiling. You pull away. "I love you." You say. Kurt lifts his hand and tucks a strand behind your ear. "I love you too." You kiss again.

Nestled together, you stay seated until dark. On the bench where Kurt proposed to you. Between beautiful flowers that he likes to compare with you.

The ending😭

Kurt Cobain One ShotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz