Disk 01: Chapter 01: Hurry Boy, She's Waiting There For You

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So... where do I start? My name is Y/N. One evening on my way to work, as I was about to drive home in the middle of winter, night covered the sky and a thin layer of snow covered the ground. I settled into the driver's seat of my car, started the engine and turned on the defroster.

"This is going to take a while." I thought to myself as I turned on the radio.

Now, the funny thing was, I had left the radiotuned to a local news channel. But instead of the expected gloom and doom Ihear music. The tuner was now aligned on an eighties music station, and thesong playing was Toto's "Africa". Specifically, the portion of the song wherethe lyrics say "He grinned at me as if to say; 'Hurry boy, she's waitingthere for you...'"

I sighed. Having never been in any serious relationship despite my strong desire for such, that was kind of depressing. I wished there was someone waiting. I shook my head and pressed 'seek.' Half a second later "Hurry boy, she's waiting there for you..." Odd. This is the classic jazz station. Seek. "Hurry boy..." Seek. "She's waiting..." Seek. "There..." Seek. Seek. Seek. "For you..."

"The hell?" I switched off the radio, looked and saw that the windshield still wasn't clear. I plugged in my phone and started it up. "Hurry boy, she's waiting there for you..."

"Oh come on! I don't even have that song on this thing!" I exclaimed, quickly unplugging the device and tossing it in the back seat.

I waited in silence for the defroster to finish it's work, then drove home without further incident. Once there, I considered fixing something to eat, but found that I was unusually tired. Upstairs in my bedroom, I looked at the small television, then decided NOT to turn it on. Though I knew good and well I had left it tuned to the Discovery Channel after watching 'Mythbusters,' I also knew, deep down, that if I pushed power it would be set to VH1 Classic, with a very specific song playing.

"Oh well." I thought. "I'm too tired anyway."

I fell into bed without changing clothes or even removing my boots, and was asleep in seconds...


I'm very fuzzy on what happened next, so this is somewhat conjecture. I don't remember clearly myself, and no one else I know was around to fill me in. What I do remember, is 'waking up' in what felt like a dream, but in retrospect I'm not sure it was. I think I was floating in empty space, but I was able to breathe and hear just fine. I was not alone. Also present, floating in front of me, was an odd little man. He was maybe three feet tall, balding but with a long ponytail, and dressed in a white toga. I seem to remember features suggesting extreme age, and his skin was a light blue color.

"Welcome Y/N." The man said. "My name is Ganthet. We have much to discuss."

"I've got to be dreaming. This is a dream right?" I replied.

"The answer to that question depends on how far down the rabbit hole you wish to go." Ganthet said. "The short answer is yes. You are indeed still physically on your own world, in your own home and your own bed, engaged in r.e.m. sleep. So yes, it could be accurately stated that you are dreaming. But there is much more to the reality of the situation, for I am not a part of the dream. I am real, and I am contacting you with a purpose: I would make you an offer."

"I'm listening."

"What would you say if I were to tell you that there are other realities, an entire multiverse of possibilities, that actually exist running in parallel with your own?"

I think I thought for a moment before answering.

"I'm fine with that. They've been theorizing about the possibility for a long time you know."

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