Regular Show: The Movie

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(Past Rigby arrives home at night with his bike.)

Past Rigby: (laughing) Whoa! (he falls and goes inside) Yes! It's here! Aw, yeah, it's got my name on it and everything! You guys want to get the camera ready? Okay, okay, after, after, after. (He open the letter and reads it.) I didn't get in? But, everybody get in. What? What am I supposed to do now?

Sherm: Listen, Rigby, we were kind of expecting this, so we looked up an out of state school where--.

Past Rigby: Out of state?! But I'm supposed to go to college with Mordecai.

Barbara: Listen, this is only college that will accept you.

Past Rigby: Well, then, I won't go to college then! (Sobbing, he runs upstairs.)

Sherm: Rigby, you're going to college whether you like it or not!

Past Rigby: If I can't go to college with Mordecai, then I don't want to go to college at all!! (He slams his door, throws things off his desk, tears down his "College U" posters and turns on his console.)

Game: Welcome to College U, the College for accepts everyone.

Past Rigby: Meh!! (He flips his T.V. to the ground and falls to his knees, resembling Future Rigby's flashback. He looks at his letter, which has "Rejected" stamped on it in red.) How are Mordecai and me gonna stay friends if we go to different schools? (Gasps) What if he got rejected, too? (Things fade to white and shows Rigby's bike. Rigby is at Mordecai's house looking through his mail until he finds the letter. He opens it and reads before finding he was accepted. A typewriter falls to the ground as Rigby types rejected.) Sorry, Mordecai.

(Suddenly, Present Rigby tackles Past Rigby, grabs the forged letter, rips it and then tosses the typewriter into a nearby dumpster)

Past Rigby: Ow, what the heck man?(notices his future self) What did you do that for?

Rigby: Sorry, bro, can't let you do this. It isn't worth it.

Past Rigby: But if I don't, I'll lose Mordecai.

Rigby: But if you DO, you'll end up losing him anyway, that's one thing I can't let happen.

Past Rigby: But dude, we were supposed to go to college together.

Rigby: I know, but...... Look, man, Mordecai is our friend, and even though sometimes we don't deserve him, he still has my back through all of this. You do this, he's eventually gonna find out, and trust me, in the future, we're gonna regret it a lot.

Past Rigby: What do you mean? What happens.

Rigby: Look, I'm not sure how me telling you any of this will effect the timeline, but I'm gonna tell you anyway. In the future, Mr. Ross tells Mordecai what we did, and we end up not being friends anymore. Not sure how, but somehow he ends up teaming up with Ross to stop us from altering the timeline, he ends up shooting and killing me, but our future self tells us to fix it before we die.

Past Rigby:(stunned at what he hears) Wow, that's crazy, bro. You're right.

Rigby: Remember this: A true friend wouldn't betray their friend like this. Do the right thing, tell Mordecai the truth.

Past Rigby: Ok bro.

(Rigby hands his past self his real letter and puts Mordecai's acceptance letter back into the envelope and into his mailbox, Rigby then fades away, as he stopped himself from lying to Mordecai. At the same time, the entire park gang of the future fades away as well)

Rigby: Good luck, me.(disappears)

(Suddenly, Past Mordecai starts walking toward his house)

Past Mordecai: Dude, did you see all that lightning? Must be a storm a 'brewing. (Rigby turns around, holding his rejection letter.) Hey, is that your acceptance letter?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2023 ⏰

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