The Power

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Mordecai & Rigby: 5, 6, 7, 8. (They do "The Power" dance again.) Give us a raise, Pops.

Pops: (Laughs) Good show, jolly good show! A pay increase, yes yes of course. Just let me get my billfold. Butterscotch Ripple? Ta-ta! (He leaves)

Mordecai: Dude, I think that just worked.

Rigby: Yeah, I know.

Mordecai: I mean, if Pops wasn't so weird, he might have given us actual money.

Rigby: Totally. (Rigby suddenly gets an idea) Wait, maybe we could use this to fix the hole in the wall ourselves

Mordecai: Are you sure about this, it might just work on people.

Rigby: It wouldn't hurt to try.

Mordecai: Ok, I'll take your word for it.

(Back in Mordecai and Rigby's room)

Rigby: ok, from the top.

Both: 5,6,7,8( They do "The Power dance) fix the hole in the wall, please.

(The Power emits a green beam of energy, hits the hole in the wall, repairing it as if it had never been broken in the first place)

Both: Wooooooah.

Mordecai: this thing is cool man. Glad you thought of this, dude. Benson probably would've gotten mad if we called him a loser.

Rigby: You're welcome, my friend.

Mordecai: Ok, let's get to work before Benson loses it.

Rigby: hold on, there's a few things I need to do.

(Montage of Rigby using The Power to make duplicates of itself with the same features, having one of the duplicates sent to the wizard guy he took it from, then using it to renovate the house a bit. Their room now consists of: a flat-screen tv, the newest game console, even 2 king-sized beds, the living room has the same things, minus the beds.)

Rigby: NOW we can get to work.

Mordecai: dude, you're a genius.

(They high five and get to work)

Next chapter: Busted Cart

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