Chapter 9. The Lodge

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Third Person's POV

 It had been 24 hours since the phone call the Bertinell family received. 

With the bank account information Jess was able to find the bank was all the way in a small town in Germany. Nothing there gave any clue on who it was. None of their enemies had been in Germany recently. The name on the account was a fake name similar to the pseudonym given to the henchmen. 

With the banking giving them nothing Jess set up a flag system. She flagged the 8 million dollars set to be sent to the account. Any time the money was transferred or withdrawn Jessica would be alerted. 

William felt defeated when he had to send the money. He was one of the most powerful businessmen and mafia empires in the world and he couldn't do something as simple as find his daughters. 

Oliver was quick to distract his father into focusing on Rory coming home and making a plan for when they get to the location of the girls. 

Like the voice said a secondary email was sent two hours after the money was sent with a location to pick up the girls. The family was huddled in the warehouse forming a plan with Dimitri and his older sons helping. 

"What do we know about the area?" Azazel asked while Jess manned the computer. 

"It's an abandoned hunting lodge," Oliver told them as Jess pulled up the ariel footage. 

"One road, entrance here at the north end. There are low fences around the entire two-acre property. Trees provide coverage in all directions." Salem told the group pointing out areas while Jess zoomed in on the buildings. 

"They are four total buildings. Two of which are unlivable and damaged due to weather." Oliver pointed out.

"So that leaves these two buildings. We have satellite activity proving that they are people there but we don't know which building holds the girls." Salem told everyone sighing at the end. 

"So what's the game plan?" Dimitri asked the two oldest children. Allowing the family to take charge he was happy to provide backup for revenge of his son but this was their fight. 

"Dimitri your men will come in through the back and make up most of the perimeter. Make sure no one gets away. A group of our men will move in while yours secure outside. They will go into this lodge first. If the girls are not found then a secondary team will go into the second lodge. if they are found we get the girls out and then move in." Oliver tells everyone pointing to the house as he addresses them. 

"The main goal is to get Ryan and Ruby above all else," William says. 

"Is everyone clear on the plan?" Salem asks everyone nods. The meeting is dismissed. The only family members not going were the youngest and wounded children. Liam and Lea were staying at the hospital with Blake while Jake was coming on the rescue mission. 

Rory was sent home so Riley was put in charge of watching her to keep her from wandering. The guards were set up around the house and hospital on high alert with 'shoot first ask questions later' orders. 

The family got to work on driving to the forested area. With the distance from civilization, screams and gunshots could not be heard. It was a few hours from the city and away from traffic cameras. 

William sat in an SUV with his brother, a doctor, and one mafia member. The group stopped just under a mile away from the hunting lodges. The doctor and two members stayed behind ready to drive into the property in case the girls or anyone else was too hurt to walk out. 

William and Azazel lead the group watching as Dimtr and his men wandered off from the group to go to their positions. 

Upon reaching the buildings, silence filled the tense air. William leads a group of men toward the closest building. It was overrun with vines and bushes, and dark. 

Quietly reaching the building William motioned to one man to break down the door on his count. counting down from three with his fingers, he reached one and the door was broken in. With the team entering the building gunshots woke up the camp. 

No one left the second house so only a small group of the secondary group stayed outside on alert. The others headed in to help. 

Oliver lead himself and two members around the lodge while the others provided coverage. A man came out of a room and Oliver fired his gun before the man could realize what was going on. 

The gunfire had begun to slow down and the individual rooms were being searched. The number of men found in the house was rather small, the gang itself was rather small and it seemed that most of the members were found in the area. 

A padlocked door got Oliver's attention. He motioned for one of his men to watch it and another to shoot the lock off. 

Oliver burst open the door with his gun raised ready to fire only to find a dark room and two cowering bodies. 

Lowering his gun slightly Olive moved towards his little sisters. He knelt down and called for his dad. 

"You guys okay?" He lifted both of their heads to look at him. They both nodded with tears rolling down their cheeks. He brought them into a hug as he relished their safety. 

Giving them a quick once over he found no immediate injuries. They looked rather unharmed. 

William ran into the room finding his two daughters huddled into his oldest son's arms. 

"Ruby, Ryan." He said as he moved closer. 

"Dad!" Ruby launches herself at her father once he kneeled next to Oliver. He brings her close as Ryan looked at him still holding onto Oliver. 

"Come on let's get them out of here," William said. He stood up with Ruby holding onto him. Oliver only stood up with Ryan in his arms readjusting her so he could carry her out. 

Once people realized what was going on the doctor and SUV were called for the girls to get a ride out. With the element of surprise on their side no one was hurt other than the henchmen. A cleanup team would stay behind to hide any evidence of there being a blood bath ever. 

William and Oliver carried the girls out of the car and drove with them back home. 

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