Danger Line #64

31 0 0

Hide your tracks

Cast your stone

Try your new attacks

The cancer has grown

Into a nightmare

That you can no longer hold

The skin you bare

Your soul you sold

To the Evil One

Who holds you on a leash

You are done

His ways unleash

Driving the nail

Holding your hand

Saving your tail

Walking through the sand

Maybe you should think twice

Before you turn your back on me

Maybe say something nice

That's all I need to see

There's no escaping this Danger

There's no crossing this Line

I'm not holding back my anger

You will not be fine

When will you learn

That your sin

Will cause you to burn

And once again

You cross the line

Crawl in my mind

You are mine

You were hard to find

I won't let go

Until you stop

I let you know 

I will never drop

You keep my heart beating

Another day 

Even with just a greeting

But now you will pay

You crossed the Danger Line

No going back

You won't be fine

Now is the time to attack

My Old Poems (2011)Where stories live. Discover now