False Pretense #35

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Getting something I didn't  deserve

This False Pretense

Caused my nerves

To go tense 

This will destroy me

From the inside out

I am not free 

I am ready to shout

These false facts

Which got me possessions

I didn't cover my tracks

Throughout these recessions

I robbed someones past

I took something they held dear

I wouldn't last

My end is near

This jury

Will decide

In fury

Where I reside

I was the bait

I was a mirage

I was too late 

Holding my hands over my visage

I was accepted into this gang

Which was called dynamite 

We went out with a bang

I knew this wasn't right

I was running so low on money 

That it got insane

It wasn't funny

All I felt was pain

I worked on their job with stealth 

With cunning

To get wealth

But I ended up running

Out on the job

Filled with transgressions

To rob

Their lost possessions 

I was standing in court

I failed

But it was cut short

But they still bailed

Getting something I didn't  deserve

This False Pretense

Caused my nerves

To go tense

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