Addiction #42

34 1 0

A slave

Your master

You behave

Even faster

Something you can't shake

In your mind it's vital

What's at stake

Burning the metal

This beast

That hides

Wants to be released

He doesn't take sides

He comes at you in a full sprint 

Legs arched

Eyebrows bent

Throat parched

He sweeps you off your feet

Knocks you around

One you don't want to meet

At the pound

He sits behind the fence 

Waiting for a refill

Waiting for his pence 

Looking at his prequel 

You puzzle

How to shroud this addiction

Feeling the hot muzzle

Stopping to friction

Walking a mile 

In the hail

After a while 

You start to wail

You walk a broken bridge

You walk alone

You lose your privilege 

My Old Poems (2011)Where stories live. Discover now