Judgements, An Old Friend, and the End

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(Play this music when you get to the fight scene.)

When we last saw one another, our hero had successfully made his way into Lucifers castle and gained an audience with Lucifer herself, if our hero wants any chance of making it to the surface world alive, he may have to seek help from the very people he tried distancing from himself......

(Lucifer POV)

Her heart was racing. Here he was, closer to her than ever before. Y/N was going to be hers, and the pieces were falling into place.

As he shuffled into the grand room, his very footsteps echoed off the pitch black marble walls, and each step, closer and closer, and as he approached her, she could see that the man had bags under his eyes, his face was gaunt, and shirt soaked with sweat. (Yeah, I know it's from ghostrider, that's why I put it in there.)
She grew excited at the prospect of bathing him later.
But not now, for now, she had to remain professional, cool, calm, and suave.

She swirled the crimson red blood wine in her glass as he came within arms reach.

As his footsteps came to a halt and he stood before her, she spoke.

So, we meet at last. You proved yourself worthy by passing all my trials." She said.


"Come again? I don't think I heard you the first time." You said, confused.

The woman grasped her wine glass and slowly walked over to you, as if she were in a play.

"I had said you proved yourself worthy by passing all off my trials." She said before taking a drink from her glass.

"Worthy? Worthy of what?" You asked, befuddled.

"Is it not obvious, my dear?" She asked, placing her hand on your face.

"Um, no, not really." You said, backing up a bit.

She chuckled to herself and turned to face the window.

"I've granted you the ability to pledge your soul to me, and doing so would make you my most treasured slave." She said, turning back to look at you, with a warm smile on her face, as if she were proposing a trip through the park.

"Oh really? Well, gee, that's a generous offer and all, but I don't think you'd really like my soul. It's old and kinda used." You said, starting to back up.

"I care not about the content of your character, I have watched you for a very long time, and I have watched you grow into a most admirable suitor." She said, stepping towards you.

"Well, hey, I'm flattered, but i-if you're looking for a suitor, I know a guy who'd love it if you'd join his harem!" You stammered.

She stopped and frowned. She placed her wine glass on the desk and crossed her arms.

"What are you trying to accomplish? Do you really think your 'friend' can enslave demons to his will?" She asked, her voice now colder.

"Well, he doesn't really 'enslave' them, so to speak, he just offers them a hike through hell, as one does, and then they'll go to his house, sounds a lot easier than it is. Trust me." You said, raising your hands.

"Hmm, what else does he offer? Just consummation of physical attraction?" She asked.

"Consu what now??" You asked.

"I said, what. Else. Does. He. Offer? What is so important that makes you want to stick together?" She asked, placing her hands on her hips.

You sighed and lowered your hands and looked behind you. Taker was still battling each of the creatures in line. His determination was astounding, and it was a bit inspiring.

Hell's Force of Nature (Helltaker Harem X Scout Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now