A Dinner and a Dance

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Good god...
Sleep was magnificent.
After acquiring Zdrada the Bitch Demon, you stumbled over to a place where the ground wasn't too hard, bunched your jacket into a pillow and conked out.
The dream that followed though..less magnificent.
You awoke in a strange place. You felt perfectly fine, but at the same time, sicker then a dog. You sat up and rubbed your eyes.
You looked around, trying to take in your weird, strange surroundings. It seemed like everything and nothing was made and unmade. You were in a foyer, leading up to stairs, leading to elsewhere. You stood up, dusting yourself off. You stepped on the ground, which had the density of a trampoline. Excited, you jumped forward.
Confounded, you got up, rubbing your backside. The floor was about as solid as granite. You bent down and inspected the floor more closely. The ground didn't look any different from the ground before so you decided to watch where you stepped. You walked slowly, taking your time. You walked up the stairs, admiring the artwork on the walls. The artwork mostly comprised of large oil paintings showing off the same woman, which was a woman dressed in a blood red suit, which was very different then the ones your female companions wore. She almost looked like a female Sherlock that grew horns. But as you ventured down the hall, you came upon a painting of the most disgusting creature you had ever seen. It was a huge red and black fly. You wrinkled your nose. You could almost smell the rotten food from a fly and it made you gag.
Coming to the end of the hall, you looked to your left and saw a massive bedroom. The lights were off, and you decided not to venture any further.
The next room, was a dining hall, which had a long table with only two seats. One was facing a fire which was roaring in the fire place, and a chair facing a bowl of (Favorite food).
Your stomach growled in agony. You realized how long it had been since you had some real food. Sure, Takers pancakes were good, but nothing compared to actual food.
You looked around. Surely nobody would miss a bowl of this, you could eat and then leave.
You sat down and slowly ate. You had a mouthful of food that you savored with a passion. You gulped it and went to take another when a voice said behind you in your ear:

"Enjoying your food?"

I don't think you had ever leapt so high in your life. You whirled around, knocking your chair over, to get a look at whoever was talking to you. To your surprise, no one was there. You lowered your hands and spoke.

"I'm sorry, was that your food?" You asked softly to no one in particular, politeness being your best course of action.

You waited a moment. You waited a moment more. After hearing nothing, you breathed a sigh of relief, dismissing the voice as lack of sleep. You ran your fingers through your hair and began to walk back to your chair, picking it back up. You sat back down and picked up your eating utensils.

"I love watching you eat." The voice said again, right in your ear.

"Fuck!" You cried.

You got up again, pushing your chair again. You looked all around.

"Look, if you're gonna watch me eat, can you at least, I dunno, not be invisible?" You asked.

A voice laughed.
"Very well."

Have you ever seen hot wavy lines on the road?
That was essentially what you saw as a woman appeared from thin air.

When I say "woman", I say a gigantic  fly that made your mouth go dry with fear making you stumbled back and yelled from terror, causing the fly to rear back.

"Oh, my apologies, would you rather a more pleasing form?" The fly asked.

You slowly nodded your head, causing the fly to chuckle.

"Very well then."

The fly began to change, smoke flying off her causing you to shriek. The transformation completed, a woman dressed in a crimson suit stood before you, measuring up to you perfectly.

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