Coffee and an Exhausted Demon.

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You know, many would think that you would go insane with you, Taker, and a demon trudging through a canyon in Hell.

The fact that you went from driving home to nearly getting raped was like going from one to one hundred in a matter of seconds. But somehow, after everything that has happened so far, your mind was intact and you were still sane.

The only thing was, you were tired, like, you could drop to the ground and damned be the conseqeunces. Usually after work right about now, you would have a nice steaming cup of joe, but due to the fact that you went to hell, you were very far from that bitter drink of pleasure.

You shuffled onwards, listening to Modeus's considerably warped view of love and trying very hard to keep your eyelids open.

''You know what? I think we're lost.'' You said, taking a break from walking.

''We are not lost, we are nearing our destination.'' The lustful demon said quickly.

''But we've been going around in circles, and my feet are starting to hurt.'' You complained.

''Hey, I trust Modeus, she knows where she's going.'' Helltaker said, coming to the aid of Modeus.

''Of course, leave the simp to back the woman up.'' You mumbled, blinking to stay awake.

What? I'm no simp!'' Taker said angrily.

''Oh sure you're not buddy, after all, you just came to hell to get some frigging blaze rods then didn't you?'' You retorted.

''Oh yeah? Maybe I should-'' Taker began before being cut off by the sound of a loud yawn. The two of you froze and you looked at Modeus.

''Um, was that you?'' You asked.

''Oh no, don't mind me, I was just watching the two of you fight, gets me in the mood, seeing two hot men fight over me.'' Modeus said smiling.

''Ok then, Miss skank.'' You huffed.

''Someone's cranky.'' Modeus sang.

''Someone needs to shut up before I shove my foot up their ass.'' You muttered.

''Ooh, that phrase also gets me in the mood.'' Modeus smiled.

''Of course it does.'' You thought to your self before shaking yourself to wake yourself some more.  

The sound of another loud yawn could be heard as everyone looked around them. Your group inched towards another corner, when you looked behind it:

No one was there.

Scratching your head, you wondered where the yawning had been coming from. Shaking your head, you dismissed it as probably the wind, maybe thats how the wind in hell behaved. A few minutes later, you could distinctly hear the sounds of a keyboard clacking. Curious, you made sure that Modeus and Taker were currently distracted and made your way towards the sound. You saw a woman behind a desk typing on a computer and drinking some coffee. Piles upon piles of cups of what was possibly coffee were littered all over the ground and the woman yawned.

Checking once more that Modeus and Taker were distracted, you straightened your tie, checked for good posture, and walked forwards.

''Ahem, hello?'' You asked and the woman looked up from her computer screen.

Oy, the woman looked like she could use some beauty sleep. Speaking of beauty, the woman looked like a perfect ten in your books. She was smartly dressed, much like you, Modeus and Taker. In fact, the way that she was dressed was very similar to you. She also had horns, which you weren't sure if Modeus had any.

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