Seduction and Smoke

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Since the last time we saw one another, you had successfully obtained a hellish waifu with all the but the cost of your fertility. You kept the bottle of vodka in your hand, This was the closest thing to water you were going to get, even if it was anything but water. God, just thinking about water made you feel thirsty. You took a swig, before shortly getting a buzz. This demon vodka was good, you reminded yourself to ask Malina where to get more. 

But once more, the feeling of being lost had grown upon you and your feeling of anxiety and paranoia were growing worse. Were all of the demon girls plotting to kill you? Or worse, take your virginity??

Cerebus had noticed your fidgety fingers and walked over to you.

"Pet me." She- sorry, They commanded in unison.

"Give me one good reason why." You snorted.

"Cmon, pleaseeee????" Cerebus whined. Her wagging tail made you roll your eyes and you gestured for her to move closer. 
You began to softly move your fingers through one's hair, and then the next. You patted them like a dog, but slowly began to rub slowly more like as though one would before engaging in passionate consummation. You began to lose any sense of your surroundings as you patted her heads. When all of a sudden.


The snap of Taker's fingers had brought you back to reality, shortly causing you to lose gravity.


"Ow! What the hell?" You shouted. You looked at the canine trio who looked guilty for some odd reason.

"Sorry about that." Taker said. "But I wanted to warn you about that." He pointed at something.

That something was a large cavern of thick black smoke that was impenetrable with eyesight. You looked at the cavern and then sighed a sigh of relief. 

"Oh well gang. We tried, nothing wrong with that." You tried not to sound cheerful but failed miserably.
You turned around to see that your gang had made camp once more. The demon girls watched Taker anxiously as he began to make his delicious pancakes. Your stomach growled and complained about the lack of food.
Stupid stomach, making you think about food....

You looked back at the cavern of smoke and you walked back to your group.

"So what happens here? Do we turn around?" You asked trying to not sound hopeful.

The canine trio perked up and began to sniff the air.

"Orange berry vodka and smoke.... Zdrada must be nearby!" They said.

At this , Malina whirled around and she looked pale. (Well, paler.)

"Oh no, please God no." She said.

"What? What's wrong?" You asked.

"I-nothing. It's nothing." She muttered.

You raised your eyebrows at her. Clearly 'Nothing' was something. You decided not to push the matter any farther as you didn't want to lose a testicle. You gingerly rubbed the area that was attacked in memory of what happened.

"So are we going to set up camp for the night? I'm beat." You yawned.

Taker looked up from his pancake making and shook his head.

"Cerebus said that there was a someone named Zdrada. Cerebus, is this Zdrada a woman?" He asked.

"She's a huge bitch is what she is." Malina muttered bitterly.

Cerebus nodded and he continued.

"You go and see if you can convince her to come along while I set up camp for tonight." He said.

You looked into the cavern of smoke, fear gripped your body like a toddler grips their favorite toy.

"You're kidding, right?" You laughed nervously. Taker's serious look laid low your hopes that he was.
"You're not kidding, fuck." You said.

"Don't worry, I'm sure it won't take you more then thirty minutes." He assured you.

"The fuck it will!" You cried. "Every time you tried to recruit these people you sent ME to get them!"

"Not exactly, it wasn't every time, I helped sometimes." He corrected you.

You sighed and then looked  back towards the cavern, wishing you were the one making camp.
You trekked into the cavern clutching your arms as you went.

Truth be told, you were afraid of anything smoke. Not since you went to a haunted house when you were younger, you hadn't seen your 7th winter. There was an open hallway, filled with fake smoke, you thought nothing of it.

Until a man in a mask came charging out the hallway carrying a chainsaw screaming like a God damn madman.

You screamed and ran for mother, listening to both your parents and the man laugh at you. Your cheeks were soaked with tears and your heart stung of humiliation.
You never returned to that haunted house again, nor that street, nor that city, nor that county.

Hell I think you moved to a different STATE after that.

You developed a healthy fear of smoke. Not God damn madmen carrying chainsaws oddly enough, just smoke.

You shook off the memories of that place, surely this place was giving you bad flashbacks. You slowly crept forward, the smoke obscuring your vision and constricting your breathing.
You put your hand forward to feel if you were about to hit a wall. You walked a few more feet before making contact with something.
But this wasn't the wall you thought you were feeling. It was soft, and rather squishy. Just to be sure, you squeezed hard on whatever it was you were feeling.

Yeah, you're one hell of a dumbass.

A woman in front of you moaned, causing you to freeze. You drew you hand back quickly and raised both in case you needed to defend yourself.
The woman in front of you laughed in a sinister tone.
"Aw c'mon, that wasn't very nice of you." She said.
Terrified, you took stumbled backwards. Fear is what stopped you from moving any further, fear is what stopped you from attempting to defend yourself, fear is what didn't let you run.

But it didn't stop you from screaming like a bitch.

You flung yourself to the ground, hoping she would think like a bear and would think you were dead and you curled up into the fetal position.

She wasn't easily convinced.

"Aw, looks like someone's a widdle scared." She said in a tone that sounded as though one where speaking to a baby.

You whimpered in fear hoping she would just leave. Of all the things you had to be scared of, why was it smoke?

You thought of all the ways you could've done to prevent your demise, a million situations and scenarios running through your mind. No matter what you thought of, you still would end up here, scared and alone.
You closed your eyes and waited for the end to come, but strangely it didn't come.
You felt a hand patting your back and you looked up.
The smoke had cleared and you were staring into the eyes of a woman. She wore a choker and a necklace, and in her other hand, she held a cigarette, which she puffed on.
"You gonna get up baby cakes? I'm not going to fondle you all day."
She said, her breath smelled of cigarette smoke.
You got up of the ground and wiped your eyes. She followed suit and stood well over an inch taller then you. She stared at you and you had the sinking feeling as though she were sizing you up.

"Are you here to k-kill me?" You stuttered.
The woman laughed hard at your question.
"Ah, you're cute baby cakes, but no. I'm not going to kill you. Any guy that gets scared of me turns me on."
She laughed a bit more, but she gave you a look you were not familiar with.
"Well, I'm Y/N, and you are?" You asked, extending your hand.
She grabbed it and kissed it, causing you to blush.
"Im Zdrada, and I'm still calling you baby cakes, you know that right?" She laughed.
You grumbled.
She walked back with you to your group, and like usual Taker was heads over heels for her. You couldn't shake what happened what happened. Zdrada would have to be the first person that didn't beat the crap out of you.
It was a nice change.

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