The Regrouping and Some More Smoke

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It was (morning?) in hell when you and the group of hellish waifus began to walk again. Yawning, you stretched and felt some off your bones pop. Scratching your belly, you shuffled over to Taker, who was currently leading the group.

"So where are we going?" He asked.

This question took you aback.

"We're following you dumbass." You said.

"Well, I don't even know where we're going!" Taker said.

"And I don't know where we are!" You said.

You pinched the bridge of your nosse and sighed. you felt a headache coming on, but you tried to ignore that.

"Well then, let's ask our leading authority on hell." You said, turning on your heel.

"Wait, who's that?" He asked.

You slowly turned around.

"The girls, cmon, use your head for more than a hat rack, bud." You sighed.

"Oh..." He said. "In my defense, I just woke up. It's too early in the morning for this."

"I just woke up to, and I'm functioning better you are." You said.

Then you tripped on a rock.

After a bout of cursing and yelling, you dusted off your pants and walked over to Modeus, who was brushing her hair with a brush that appeared out of seemingly nowhere.

"Hey, where do we go from here?" You asked.

She looked up at you and smiled, the hearts in her eyes making you feel uneasy.

"Well, I don't really know, I thought you and taker knew where you were going." She said, smiling.

"Thanks for nothing." You muttered.

You walked over to Malina, who was downing a bottle of alcohol that appeared out of seemingly nowhere.

"Hey, any idea where we need to go?" You asked.

"I don't fucking know, why the hell are you asking me idiot?" She snarled. "Can't you see i'm nursing a hangover?"

"But you're drinking -"

"Beat it!" She snapped.

Eager to protect your fertility, you hurried away from Malina and walked over to Cerebus, where the trio was playing with a rubber ball that appeared out of seemingly nowhere.

"Hey -"

The ball smacked you in the face.

Walking away, you surveyed the campsite. Who else could you ask?
Justice, Pandemonica, and others were still asleep, so no one even knew where to go. Did that mean that you were just stuck?

"Come to me." A voice whispered.

"Who said that?" You asked.

A few seconds passed, and yet there was no answer.

"Who said that?" You asked louder.

"Hey! Do you mind? I'm trying to sleep here." Zdrada called sleepily.

"Come to me." The voice whispered again.

"Ok, guys, come on, this isn't funny." You complained.

"Nobody is saying anything." Azazel said, startling you.

"Christ, next time warn a guy, or wear a bell 'round your neck!" You hissed.

"Wuz going on?" Justice mumbled, shuffling out of a tent.

"Y/n's gone crazy, that's for certain." Zdrada muttered, "Can't get any shuteye."

Hell's Force of Nature (Helltaker Harem X Scout Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now