Ch 12

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In the hallway of an apartment complex Dom appeared in front of his front door along with a Legion. Slowly pushing the door open to reveal his pad complete thrashed.

He walked inside and stopped in the center of the living room spinning in a circle to take in everything that'd been destroyed in his absence.

The couch was ripped open and flipped, chairs were strewn around the place some broken while the one that hadn't were scratched and some type of residue on them.

Inside his room the safe was missing and the duffel bags of uncounted money from the bank heist were gone too, probably taken by his uncle as 'payment' for setting his gang up in ChinaTown.

He looked at an air vent in the corner of the room at the top of a wall and sighed before going to grab one of the intact chairs and pushing it over, standing on top of it to removed the cover of the duct.

A stack of documents were inside holding the deeds and titles to a couple of lots and businesses in Gotham. Luckily no one thought to look in the hiding spot or else he'd actually have to start from square one.

Dom folded the papers stuffing them in his hoodie pocket before and exited the room but stopped at the fridge opening it hoping he'd still find what he was looking for.

But much to his dismay the shelves were indeed missing the bottles of sweet tea he'd stocked up on before the raid utterly pissing him off.

Before he was definitely irritated at technically being broke but the missing beverages tipped him over. Did the fuckers have no shame? To steal a man's favorite drink while he couldn't even defend them.

He slammed the fridge shut and stormed out of the apartment. Even though it was his home the spot was blown, the smartest thing to do now was to just leave as is and find a new pad.


In a visitors lounge different from the last one Talia sat in a booth staring at Pierce through a plexiglass window." What happened to you?"

She asked him referring to the cut on his chin that looked to be from a roughly made shank.

"Nothing." He rubbed the area and spoke nonchalantly with a smirk on his face. Nobody else could tell but through Talias blank face he could see something was bothering her." I'm guessing it didn't go as expected?"

"What have you been teaching that boy?" Talia asked through gritted teeth crossing her arms.

"I called it pimping 101."

Rolling her eyes at the answer she decided to change the subject in hopes on finding something that'd get her close to her son or at least lead her to him." Tell me a little about him."

"Fuck no." He immediately responded with a look of confusion. Why in the world would he do something like that?

She tried to comprise leaning forward and resting an arm on the desk they sat at. "At least, tell me something to know him better."

Pierce looked the woman up and down with a raised eyebrow before speaking." What color panties you wearing?"

"I'm not answering that."

"Then I'm not answering." He crossed his arms and huffed loudly like a child pouting. If he was gonna give up info then the lieutenant was leaving with something.

A staring contest ensued neither breaking contact until Talia finally blinked and sighed giving up." Purple."

"Ooh, nice choice."

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