Chapter 15 • hiding

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"Can i stay for a couple of days?" Bruce mumbled "please?"

Vance could see Bruce's arms and legs red. Why would bruce come in the middle of night?

"What happened?"

Bruce began to cry, he tried to hold it in but he couldn't, he didn't want to cry like a baby in front of his crush. His best friend. His only friend.

"I don't want to talk about it.." bruce replied

Vance let Bruce inside and gave him a towel to dry off. They both went to his room so Bruce could change out of wet clothes.

"You could use my clothes..since you didn't bring anything" Vance handed Bruce a T shirt and some shorts

Vance showed him the bathroom so he could shower and change. Vance walked back to his room and waited, his thoughts were racing, what could have happened? Did bruce get beat up? Did his parents pass? Did his house fall apart? He wanted to know.

"Thanks for letting me use your bathroom..and your clothes" bruce said quietly, pulling Vance out of his thoughts, not realizing the time went by so quickly.

Bruce sat down next Vance on the bed, awkward silence was filled with the room, until Vance asked again.

"What happened?"

By then Vance could see the bruises forming all along his body. Now Vance felt angered, who hit Bruce?
(I searched it on google, bruises take a few hours to form, maybe it's true I'm not a doctor)

"Who the hell beat you?" Vances voice sounded more tense

"I told you I don't want to talk about it" Bruce replied

" know you can tell me anything, it's not like you murdered someone"

" tell anybody you'll be the one I murdered" Bruce taunted

Bruce explained what happened, leaving out the part of who exactly he had a crush on.

"Is that why your covered in bruises?" Vance asked


"Should I murder your dad then" Vance tried to lighten the mood

"No" Bruce smiled softly

They talked more for a bit before going to bed since it was so late. Sharing one bed was a little awkward but they both fell asleep.

Back at Bruce's house:

"Is Bruce coming back?" Amy cried

"I don't think so sweetie, go back to bed" Bruce's mother spoke sadly

Amy went to her room and sat on the floor, praying that Bruce would come back. "I don't want Bruce to be all alone outside"

Returning to Vance's home:

Morning came and Bruce woke up to the smell of pancakes, Bruce knew who was cooking and walked downstairs. He could feel his body was sore.

"You look like a grandma in that apron" Bruce teased

"Shut up, It's so I don't get dirty" Vance spoke back

They ate breakfast and went to the couch to watch tv

"Who do have a crush on?" Vance asked countless times but never got an answer

"I'm not telling you.."

Vance got closer to Bruce's face and stared right into his eyes, "tell me" Vance spoke

"...are you trying to hypnotize me?" Bruce began to turn red

Inching closer, after what seemed like hours the phone started to ring.

"Probably my mom" Vance got up to get the phone

"Hello? Yes, maybe, ok, alright love you bye" Vance hung up the phone "my mom needs me to go grocery shopping, you want to go?"

"Sure" bruce got up and both of them got their shoes on.

Vance grabbed the list and money his mom left and they walked to the grocery store since they didn't have a bike or car.

"We need, milk , eggs, blueberries, strawberry's, and my mom said we could get some snacks with the extra money left." Vance babbled as they walked to the store

When they got there Vance grabbed a cart even tho they didn't need much and started to search the store for stuff on the list.

Bruce helped and he also had some extra money in his shoe so they could get some snacks when they got everything on the list.

Bruce and Vance just talked while grabbing other snacks and went to the chips isle

While grabbing some chips, Bruce spotted his mother and sister.

"Hide me" bruce whispered yelled

"Why what's going on?" Vance said confused

"My mom" Bruce whispered, hiding behind vance

They walked pasted but Amy noticed Vance and walked up to him. Bruce knew he would be seen so he went behind them and to the other isle

"Vance!" Amy exclaimed "have you seen my brother? He's gone" Amy wasn't scared of Vance since he had came to their house so many times

Vance greeted Bruce's mother and told Amy he didn't know where he was.

"..I thought he'd be with you.." Bruce's mother grumbled

They finally left and Bruce came back since he kept peeking over the isle.

"Thank you so much" Bruce sighed

They payed for their stuff and walked back home to put the groceries away. Bruce kept looking around in case his mother popped out of no where

We are going to be getting some action next chapter, so be prepared ❤️😍

I kinda don't like how I wrote this chapter but If I redid it I would just keep redoing it again..soo

Bye pooka pooks see you next chapter 🗿🫶🏼

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