Chapter 12 • lost TW:knife

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For the past week, vance has been trying to get ahold of Bruce. Calling his house,going to his house,calling again. He wanted to explain himself,tell him he still wanted to be friends. But after he asked him to kiss him? Vance thought Bruce would think of him as some creep who kissed a drugged up boy.

And for the past week, Bruce has been ignoring Vance. Ignoring his calls,pretending he's not home,trying to ignore the calls again. He was worried Vance was gonna tell him he didn't mean it. And that Bruce would just have to face the rejection. Another thing was, he was still having nightmares, and they didn't stop.

School was opening up again soon, and Bruce would have to run into Vance. So he either face rejection, or face it in front of the whole school watching. Bruce didn't know what to do, so he decided to go to a party his "friend" was hosting. To take it off his mind maybe. This "friend" wasn't really a friend. Just Someone who Bruce talked too on his baseball team.

"Could I go to a friends?" Asked Bruce

"Vance's? You haven't spoke to him in a while" his mom answered back

"No.. it's *name*" Bruce replied

"Oh that kid? I like that kid he's nice, yea sure" his mom spoke back

Usually Bruce's mom would ask all sorts of questions, asking about the parents, where, when, who. But since it was someone she knew, that she "thought was nice kid" she let off easy.

"Don't worry, I'll walk there" Bruce said before getting ready.

The party started at 7 even if it was only 6, and the house was 10 minutes away. Bruce just wanted to walk and have silence before he went to a loud, noisy, drunk, party.

"I'll come back by 9" Bruce said before leaving.

"Good,your always back late or staying the night at Vance's" she said in a have annoyed tone.

Bruce took his bike and went off even if he could just walk, he wanted to cruise around for a bit. After a half hour. It was time to go to the party. Once bruce outside the door. He took a deep breath, and walked in.

It was like a typical party of teenagers, people getting drunk, dancing, smoking. Bruce was a good kid, but he wanted to try to get high, to see if his nightmares would calm down. Only a 30 minutes in the party. Vance walked in, and with...a girl. Bruce's heart felt it got punched once he saw it. He thought for sure now Vance never meant that kiss. He decided to finally get hight after procrastinating the whole time he was there. He wanted to avoid and try to forget everything. He wanted to forget Vance.

Vance went into a party. And as soon as he came in, a girl put herself right next to Vance and tried flirting. He didn't want a girl. He wanted to get drunk. Again. Vance has been drinking ever since Bruce stopped talking to him to try and forget about it. But instead, he saw Bruce. Maybe he could be able to talk to him if this chic gets out of his way.

Bruce was high, really high. He never really smokes, so he gets high real fast, real easy. He was sitting on a couch when he noticed Vance walking over.

"Shit" Bruce thought. "He's gonna tell me right here now?"

Bruce quickly got up and went for the door, he was able to make it out because some girl got in front of Vance to talk to him.

"I have to get out of here" Bruce thought.

It was 8:40 and Bruce had to be home in 20 minutes. Bruce was higher than heaven and barley able to get on his bike.

Once he saw Vance get outside, he knew he had to go. He started peddling and tried to lose vance by going a different way to his house. Instead, Bruce got lost. The only good thing? Vance was out of sight. Bruce hit a pot hole and fell down hard. His whole arm was now covered in blood, his face was now bruised. He was in some alley and was to high or tired to get back on his bike. The place look shady and bruce started to worry, his mom is probably so mad right now.

Half hour pass by and bruce was still high. But he had just enough energy to find a way home. He got on his bike and started to go into the sidewalk, some guys came up to him and pushed him of into the road. Bruce got up and and suddenly those guys had knifes on them, they were talking about how he shouldn't be here and "go back to china"

Bruce didn't know what to do, so he just ran. Ran away. He got hurt a little on his other arm but he was fine. Now, he was lost, lost lost. Everything was hurting. He was still high. He didn't know his way home. It was around 1:00am and he still wasn't even in his neighborhood. He sat down, and tried to catch his breath. He was slowly falling asleep as a figure came up to him, he tried to fight back but was to weak and blacked out.

...I know I disappeared ☠️ please forgive me. It's not like much read this anyway.

I left you at suspense. 💔😨

Bye pookies, hope you liked this chapter 🫶🏼

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