Chapter 3 • the incident

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Bruce once walked to school again, but not because his sister was sick. He just wanted to. After getting there he saw vance and began walking up to him.

"Where were you? We were supposed to do the project" Bruce ordered

"dude,I lost your number and I kinda had things going on" Vance replied

"Was it really important?"

"Yes it was"

"" he handed Vance a piece of paper with his number,once again.

"Thanks, I'll..see you later"

"Bye" Bruce was little mad to say they least,he shook it from his mind once he got to class.

While in 5th period Bruce had to go to the restroom. So he asked the teacher and began walking outside of the classroom. Crossing the hall he saw Vance. Bruce was happy to see him since he hadn't see him all day (Vance was skipping class🤯)

" You skipping class?" Bruce asked 

"Yea no shit you see me standing here" Vance scowled

"Jeez sor-" gun shots we're being fired and they soon started to hear screaming

"Yo-you don't think?.. Bruce whispered

They both scrambled into a small janitors closet as fast as they could and shut the door.

"Move your foot" Vance whispered shouted

"If you don't shut up your gonna have us both killed" 

They were quietly arguing but quickly became silent when they heard the shooting becoming closer. Vance hadn't realized it but him and bruce were awfully close to each other. And he slowly became flustered and blushing. They were hiding behind a couple of uniforms and cleaning supplies when they heard the door slowly open.

Vance quickly grabbed Bruce's waist and covered his mouth with his hand so both of them couldn't be visible under the uniforms hanging.

He bent his head down to Bruce's ear "Don't make a sound" he whispered.

Bruce was blushing madly once he felt Vance's warm breath against his neck. After what felt like a long minute the door finally slammed shut. And more gunshots were fired. Vance let go once they heard footsteps walking away.

"Were-we're gonna die if we don't find a way out right now" Bruce began hyper ventilating.

"Dude it's gonna be fine we just have to be silent until police come" Vance reassured him they would be fine

They just sat there in the dim lighted room. None of them breaking the uncomfortable silence.
Bruce was too caught up in his thoughts if we would make it out alive. Vance was just hoping he could make it to his mother.

"We should just wait it out" vance mumbled

"No no you don't understand I need to get home" Bruce sputtered

Vance got up and laid his head against the door, trying to hear if there was anyone around.

"Let's run for it" he suggested

"That's crazy no way" Bruce replied back

"Then what else do we do to get out of here?"

Vance began looking around to see what they could do. Maybe a phone to call police or something that would protect them if they ran for it,something,something so they could leave.
After an hour or two they heard the cop's. Thinking it would be safe they ran out as fast as they could,yet man we're they wrong. While running there were dead and bloody bodies Bruce and Vance could never unsee again.

*BOOM* a gunshot went of once they got outside. They kept on running until they were behind a couple trees.

"Vance?" Bruce saw blood beginning to stain onto Vance's shirt. luckily it was around the side of his hip and not anything vital.

Vance sat down next to an ally way and Bruce immediately tried putting pressure on it.

"Fuck" Vance said,lying his head against the wall.

"Okay okay your gonna be fine,it's fine"

"I'm not gonna die am I?" Vance began tearing up.
Bruce never expected someone like Vance to cry,he was a little surprised. Vance was the toughest,scariest kid in school and here he was breaking down mumbling about his mother.

"No no you gonna be fine" Bruce took of his sweater and tightly tied it around vance's waist. He helped him up and they went to the closest building they could find with a phone. Bruce got out a couple of coins and quickly put them into the slot and dialed 911.

"H-hello? There's a shooting at my school and my friends been shot please come quick I'm at

After the call ended he turned his attention to Vance.

"I'm so sorry we never should of ran for it it's my fault I'm sorry" Bruce kept rambling while putting pressure to Vance's injury

"No it's mine it was my idea" Vance crowed back

Vance was bleeding badly and Bruce's hand were slowly get soaked with blood.

"Y-your gonna live its-its fine just please stay awake" Bruce started to tear up at the thought of Someone dying with their blood right on his hands.

"Bruce,Bruce T-tell my mother I'm sorry for everything I've done. All my fights and and detentions. And everything else if I do die. Just-just tell her I'm sorry and I love her." Vance was sobbing at that point.

"No no your gonna live your gonna live"

Sirens finally came and the ambulance was pulling up. Paramedics were rushing out to help take care of the bleeding pale boy. They put Vance onto a stretcher where Vance had already passed out. Bruce's hands and some of his shirt was covered in blood. He thought if vance didn't make it, it was all his fault.

"I'm sorry" he whispered
He was also put into the back of the ambulance. He watched as Vance lay there lifeless, and paramedics were trying everything they could just to get him to breath. Bruce was hoping,praying that Vance would live.
And finally, a heart beat started to form on the screen. Bruce was never more relieved in his life.
He silently whispered once more

"I'm so so sorry"
Did I scare you guys? 😍
I hope I did 😘 the incident happened!
Hope you enjoyed I'll post soon again 🫶🏼

The incident • brance Where stories live. Discover now