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All I remember was crying. I woke up when I heard the rain. I love the rain it's so calming. When I opened my eyes I saw...GENYA. I just pretended to be asleep because I didn't want this to end. I wanted to stay in his lap. He was perfect. He was playing a game. I dozed off again. I woke up and saw genya asleep. I looked out his window, moving the curtains a little it was morning. I looked at my phone. It was...1PM OH NO I HAD A HASHIRA MEETING. But I think it's fine if I skipped again, right? "Good morning, Mui. I MEAN MUICHIRO!!" Genya quickly corrected himself. "Good morning. And it's ok for you to call me Mui."slightly smiled. He smiled, and his face got a little red. That's when Sanemi walked in. Genya looked kinda scared. "WHAT THE HELL IS HE DOING HERE?!?!" Sanemi yelled. "SHUT UP, I HAVE A HEADACHE DUMBASS!!" I yelled back. I didn't have a headache. I just didn't want Sanemi here. "I DONT GIVE A FUCK! GET OUT MY HOUSE!!" I just rolled my eyes at him. "Nemi...I'm sorry he passed out last night, and I just didn't feel like carrying him home." Genya was being really nice to Sanemi when he was yelling at him. Sanemi doesn't deserve Genya. Genya needs better... I could be that better. But he doesn't like me... more than a friend... I think. "WELL, BRING HIM HOME BEFORE I THROW HIM OUT THAT WINDOW!!" I was lost in my thoughts when I heard that. "Ok, nemi." Genya had such a nice voice. I like hearing it. He grabbed my hand, making me blush a little. But I shook it off. "Let's go, Mui." Genya said while walking out of his house holding my hand. "Ok," I answered and counted to get lost in my thoughts. After a while we made it to my house. He was about to leave when I told him he could stay for a little. Of course, Ginko had a little fit because she doesn't like people or other animals in the house. "I don't think Ginko wants me here, but thank you," he said with a slight smile. "Just ignore her. She's spoiled." Ginko gave me a mean glare. "Are you sure?" I just nodded in response. "Ok, if you say so." Genya came inside and I showed him my house. He was a little pink when I handed him some cloths. "Here you need to change. Your uniform is all stained." He just node and went to the bathroom. "Uhm, thank you for letting me use your oversized clothes. What do you want me to do with my uniform?" He was still pink when he asked that. "Oh you can just put it in the washer. I can wash it for you." I said that like I knew how to work my washer. Mitsuri usually just comes over here to hang out she teaches it to me every time, but I forgot I'll just call her later and ask her. I kinda hope he stays the night. "Wanna watch a movie?" I asked to get my mind off things. " CAN WE WATCH MY LITTLE PONY?!?!" He smiled while asking. Also, my little pony he is sixteen, but whatever makes him happy. "Sure," I just responded. He seemed so happy. He looked so cute with my shirt on even though it was black with Deadpool shooting somebody. We sat down on the couch and turned on my little pony. It was and girly. But if that's what he likes, then we can watch it. Like 20 minutes later, he fell asleep, which is good because Giyuu was at Sanemi's and who knew what their doing. But that also means that Genya is staying the night. YAY! I turned off the TV. And put a blanket over him and went to my room to sleep. But Ginko was in there, giving me a weird look I think the lights were off, so I don't know. When I turned the lights on and she was just sleeping in my bed. I moved her over and got in bed. After a little while, I fell asleep. I woke up to Genya opening my door. "Mui, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to fall asleep." He looked upset. " it's fine... are you tired?" I was half asleep. He just shook his head. "Ok, well, you can sleep in here, and I can sleep on the couch." I started to get my stuff and walk to the couch. Genya grabbed my shoulder in a very gentle way. "YOU don't have to. You can sleep in here. I need to go home anyways." He said, looking a little pink. "I don't think you want to go home. Giyuu is there. So it's gonna be loud. You can stay here, plus it's 1 am." I said, rubbing my eye. " Oh ok then but I will sleep on the couch." He was not going to sleep on the couch. I wouldn't let him. After a little bit of friendly arguing he won because I was tired as shit. He went to the couch and stretched out and fell asleep almost immediately. I laid back down and fell asleep with my LEDs on blue because why not. When I woke up. Genya was...NEXT TO ME IN MY BED. WHAT WAS HE DOING HERE?!?! I mean I'm fine with it but like what is he doing here. We were cuddling. HOLY SHIT. "G-genya I can't breath your hugging me to tight." I whispered. He woke up and immediately started apologizing to me, saying he didn't know how he got here and he didn't mean to. "It's ok...I know it was a accident." I said holding back tears because I had a dream about my brother. " Are you ok." He said in a worried tone. I started to cry and explained the dream to him. " Oh, I'm sorry... want to go get food or something to cheer you up?" He is so kind I don't deserve him. "Yes, please." I stopped crying he wiped my tears away making me blush a bit. After I got dressed in some over sized clothes I had we went to get food. After we got food we went to the park. When we got home and I told him to pick some of Mt clothes out for a shower. "But why?" He was so clueless. "For you to take a shower DUH." Genya kept turning pink. I don't know why, but I just felt like hugging him. I didn't because he went to take a shower. When he got out he was wearing one of my very oversized hoodies. It fit him perfectly though. He is so cute it's funny because he doesn't know it but when you put on the hood it has cat ears. I couldn't help but giggle a little. "Why are you laughing?" he said in a cute tone. "Put the hood on." he put the hood over his head. I jumped up on the couch, so I was at his height and floped the little ears. Genya was very red. But I was just laughing my head off. After a little while, we both sat on the couch and turned on Deadpool since we watched his show yesterday. I felt him put his arm around me and hugged me. My heart skipped a beat. I was so hot. Like my face was burning. But me and him fell asleep on the couch together.

1279 words

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