Hercules Mulligan x reader part five

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Warning: transphobia/homophobia or whatever is wrong with y/ns father.  Nervous habit stuff

I was laying on the cot in the medical tent for two weeks (and the nurse was a bitch). Since Charlotte feels kinda bad so she's still bringing chocolate bars (but I'm not complaining). Alex has been giving me wedding updates and when I'm all healed up then I'll come, Washington has been flexible with when I'm going to spy on the British and he's actually moving it by three days so I can have more time to rest. I've spent most of my time writing letters to my family and reading Common sense by Thomas Paine (a/n so men say that I'm intense or I'm insane. You want a revolution I want a revaluation so listen to my declaration. I'm sorry I had to.) I see why Alexander's wife's sister likes it. 

The day they're leaving to spy on the British 

I was on a boat with Hercules and he was trying to make sure I don't throw up from sea sickness.

"Hey Hercules, what exactly is our relationship currently?"

"What do you mean?"

"Are we courting each other? Are we really good friends? Like what exactly is this?" 

"Well after the war I don't really plan on leaving New York. Where does your family live?" He asked

"We are also in New York but I don't know where you are in the state and I don't know how far away we are from each other." I said

"That's a problem for future us. We don't need to worry about that now." He said

I nodded and continued to try not to get sea sick. We got to London and we walked to Herc's tailor shop and after an hour we found a horse and continued the trip.

When we got there (10 PM)

I was really tired and I was close to falling asleep in Herc's arms but we finally got to his shop and he said that he has a bedroom and bathroom in there so we can easily live here.

"There's just one problem." He said

"What is it?"

"I only have one bed..."

I was so tired I really did not care


"So you're comfortable with that?"

"I don't care. As long as I get sleep."

He showed me to the room and I fell asleep right when I set foot on the bed.

The next morning

"Wake up we have stuff to do." Hercules said

"Like what?"

"Not being captured by the British. In case they know who we are we're gonna give ourselves fake names to go by. I'm gonna go by William Walsh." Hercules said.

"Got it William, I'll go by f/n f/l/n." 

A British man entered the shop.

"Hello I need these three coats tailored and make it snappy." He said 

"Okay I'm gonna have my wife here take them and we'll discuss sizes."

My heart started to do cocaine when he called me his wife. He handed one coat to me.

"Thank you William." I said

Hours later (closing time) 

I was sewing the coats that the man requested and William (a/n btw imma call Herc William for a bit) told me that we've closed.

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