Hercules Mulligan X Reader part four

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I walked over to general Washington's tent and asked him if I could spy on the British with the sons of liberty. 

"Yes that would be perfect! We just needed one more person and you're the perfect fit. You will be staying with Hercules at his tailor shop in London, your main job is just to not blow your cover and still get information." 

"Okay sir. I promise I will not let you down."

I wrote the letter to my family about the good news and Charlotte was really excited because I got to get closer to Herc but I haven't even confessed yet. 

"Come on just confess already." Charlotte said

"I can't just do that. I'm supposed to stay with Herc at his tailor shop in London and if he rejects me then it will be awkward and I'll be staying at his tailor shop for two months." 

"Please just do it. I'll give you a chocolate bar I stole from Lee if you do." 

"Alright fine, but you better give me that chocolate bar and it better be a good one."

I walked over to Herc's tent and Charlotte spread the word because Lafayette and Alexander were nearby and giving me a thumbs up. I came closer to Herc's tent and came really close to chickening out but when I looked back Charlotte told me to keep going. I reached the tent.

"Hey can I come in?" I said outside of his tent


I came in and instantly regretted it, I looked outside of the still open tent flap and I could tell that they all wanted me to start telling him.

"Okay so I have no idea how to explain this and I really didn't prepare so I'm gonna try to say this. Alright so uhm I like you."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Kind of like...I like like you."

Dead silence

"Shit." I mumbled to myself (Herc probably heard it.)

"Alright well I'm gonna leave now"

I speed walked back to mine and Charlotte's tent wishing there was a rewind button but when I got there I just wanted to get away from this whole place. I ran into the woods not wanting to look back while tears fell down my face. When I got to a nice stopping point I just fell to the floor and sobbed until I felt like there were no more tears to give. I looked around realizing I'm officially lost and I started to try to retrace my steps because I wanted that damn chocolate bar. I was walking for what felt like half an hour and I immediately stopped when I saw a redcoat in the distance. I couldn't run. I could barely breathe. It was a redcoat with some friends near him and I had to sneeze because nature obviously hates me and they looked back and saw me. That was my cue to sprint until my legs gave out until I heard a gunshot and completely blacked out.

Luckily I actually woke up to find all of my friends and the general beside me.

"Charlotte gimme my god damn chocolate bar."

"Alright here." Charlotte tossing it on the arm that was shot.


"You were shot mon ami." Laf said

"By those redcoats?"


"How'd you guys find me?" 

"Charlotte was looking for you after you ran into the woods, and if I may ask, why did you run into the woods?" General Washington said/asked

"Uhhhh personal reasons."

"Alright I'll leave you alone but don't worry you won't be off with the sons of liberty for about a month." 

All of the friends stayed in the medical tent I was in. Including Hercules. 

"Hi." I said awkwardly 

"I'm marrying Eliza." Alexander said

"Congratulations! Are we invited?" I said/asked

"Of course. Laurens is gonna be my best man, Hercules wanted to be the flower girl...I wouldn't suggest asking why and Lafayette is also coming." 

"Oh and Hercules, I'm sorry. I ruined a perfectly good friendship by telling you that if I would've kept my mouth shut then-"

I was cut off and when I realized why it was because Hercules's lips were on mine and they stayed that way until I heard Charlotte say

"We're still here y'know?"

"Sérieusement Charlotte? They were having a wholesome moment and you had to interrupt it." Lafayette said

My face felt really heated up. I was so happy because Hercules obviously liked me back.

"Alright let's give Y/n some rest." Hercules said

They all walked out and I ate the fucking chocolate bar I earned.

Idk if I wanna end this story here or continue (I think imma end it here but I'll put some bonus chapters for fun) I hope the chocolate bar was worth it.

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