Ep 10 - The White Violin

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Five's POV

"How did you remember the headline of the newspaper?" Z asked as she tied her bowling shoes into a neat bow.

She could tie bows for her shoelaces, but she couldn't tie a tie.

"I just did,"

Some cheering was happening from the other side of the bowling alley, and a group of kids was hanging out. There was a party going on, and it was full of balloons and streamers, probably a birthday party.

"Hey losers," Diego huffed, as he sat down and tied his bowling shoes.

"Hey D. You got here quick. You avoid the cops?" Z asked and a small laugh was able to be detected.

Shortly after Luther, Allison, and Klaus arrived. We all made a circle. Allison played with her notepad and Klaus was fidgeting with his hands.

"Look. I hate to be the one to say this, but everyone needs to be prepared..."

"For what?" Diego almost immediately asked cutting Luther off.

"To do whatever it takes to stop Vanya,"

Allison slammed her notepad against Luther's chest, and he sighed.

"We may not have a choice, Allison,"

"Bullshit! We all have choices," Z muttered.

"I'm sorry, like what?" Luther shot back.

"I don't know. We chose to come back and help stop the apocalypse. Y'all choose what you want to do with your lives. I mean there is a list. A very long list," Z replied, looking at Luther.

"Okay. Whatever. We need to find Vanya, now!" Luther shot back, standing up.

"Well, no shit. She's about to destroy the world and we're sitting in a damn bowling alley!" Z shouted, standing up.

I grabbed Z's hand and pulled her back down. She sat down and slumped back in her chair. Klaus was staring at a newspaper, and Luther was trying to calm himself down.

"Found her..." Klaus muttered, turning the newspaper around so that everybody could see.

"That's right. Her concert is tonight," Diego muttered.

"How'd you know that?" Z asked.

"It was at Haorld Jenkins' house. The time when Five collapsed. Not the other time,"

Z glared at Diego. A small smile crept onto his face. We were all standing around the newspaper when a woman walked up to us.

"Hello. I hate to intrude, but my manager says if you're not gonna bowl, you gotta leave," the lady laughed, swaying back and forth.

We all looked at the manager, and he slammed bowling shoes on the desk.

"Oh, what the hell," Z muttered.

"Who's turn is it?" Diego asked, playing along.

"Oh. for..." Luther muttered.

Luther picked up a bowling ball and threw it over his shoulder. The ball bounced across two lanes, and hit all ten pins down, in a different lane. Allison wrote something down on her notepad and showed it to Luther. He read it and sighed.

"We're the only ones capable of stopping this. We have a responsibility to Dad," Luther sighed.

"To Dad! No, I've heard enough about..."

"Reggie is or was an asshole! You don't need to live up to the name that he made for you! Luther, you're just as messed up as the rest of us. We're not perfect, none of us are. But Reggie pulled us together. A group of randomized kids with powers!" Z snapped, shooting up from her seat.

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