Ep 5 - Number Five

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Five's POV

Flash forward:

I was walking down the long endless, dirty road. I was pulling my wagon behind me, caring everything that I needed to survive. I passed a car and walked up onto a bridge. I pulled my scarf down and breathed in the ashy air. I drank some water from my water pouch. I looked up at the sky. Forty-two years go by, and I am walking in part of a horse carriage, but this time with Z at my side. It was snowing. Three more years go by and I am biking to our makeshift house.

"Five! You late again!" Z scolded.

"Do you remember that mansion outside of the city limits?" I asked Z.

"Yeah. The one you said was too dangerous to go to?" Z asked.

"Yeah. Turns out the wine cellar was untouched. Picked up a few cases of our favorite wine and vodka," I answered responded.

I handed her a glass, and I poured two glasses. We clinked our bottles together and drank till the wine was gone. I set my cup down, and Z stood up. I was about to say something when we both heard rubble falling. I grabbed my rifle, and Z grabbed a nearby pistol.

"I thought you said we were the only ones still alive!" Z yell-whispered at me.

"We are!"

I jumped up, and we both our guns at the noise. A woman in a black dress was standing opposite us. She had glasses and white hair. She was carrying a briefcase in one hand and waved to us with her other.

End of Flashforward

"When's it supposed to happen?" Luther asked.

"We can't give you the exact hour, but..." I began.

"But from what we gathered, we have four days left," finished.

"Why didn't you two say something sooner?"

Luther still wasn't following what we were saying and it was getting on my nerves. My head was slightly pounding from all the alcohol from last night. I remember falling asleep in the library and then waking up here with Z curled next to me.

"Because it wouldn't have mattered. No one would have cared enough," Z answered.

"It could have. We could have banded together and helped you guys stop it," Luther suggested.

"For the record, you already tried," I uttered.

"What do you mean?" Luther asked.

"I found all of you. Your bodies," I muttered, lowering my head.

"We died?"

Everyone's body flashed before my eyes. They're all dead, lying there in the rubble of the academy, nothing left alive.

"Yeah, dipshit. If he found your bodies you died!" Z snapped.

I nudged her in the shoulder, and she rolled her eyes. I slammed the heel of my foot into her's and she raised her hand to hit me, but Luther grabbed it.

"Please continue. Without fighting, please?" he begged, letting go.

Z rolled her eyes again and groaned, so I continued.

"Horribly, but you were together, trying to stop whoever it was that ends the world," I added.

"Wait, how do you know that?"

"This was clutched in your dead hand when I found you," I answered, tossing Luther the glass eyeball I'd been carrying around.

"Must have ripped it out of their head before you went down," Z added.

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