Ep 2 - Run Boy Run

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As Five and Vanya were drinking and talking, and sat there listening.

"Gee, wish I'd thought of that," Five stated, sarcastically.

I reached up to my neck and realized that my necklace was gone. I bit my lip and shut my eyes.

"Shit," I mutter.

I stood up and quietly went over to the door. I checked to see if Vanya or Five were looking at me, but they were too busy arguing. I opened the door and walked down the hallway. I headed outside to the car. I got in the driver's seat and turned the car on. I turned to talk to Five but remembered that he wasn't with me.


I drove the car out of the alley, and down back to Griddy's.


There were cop cars all over. They had gotten to the shoot-out faster than I thought. People were instructed to stand behind crime scene tape. I got out of the car and headed to someone else's car. I checked to see if the door was open, and it was. I pulled it open and looked inside. There was a brown jacket and a purse. I grabbed the jacket and put it on over Five's blazer. I checked the purse and found a police badge.

"Is it my lucky day or what?"

I put the badge in my pocket and headed over to the crime scene. I passed the crime scene tape and headed inside. I tried not to look out of place. I walked inside Griddy's and looked at the bodies of the armed men that Five and I killed an hour ago. I saw the waitress that severed us and kept my head turned so she wouldn't see me. She was sitting in a corner booth, and a woman came in. She sat down next to the woman.

"Ma'am, I'm Detective Patch," I heard the woman say.

"Hi, Agnes. Agnes Rofa," the waitress said.

Okay Agnes. I am hoping you saw absolutely nothing for your own good. I walked over to the place I was sitting and looked around for my necklace. It wasn't there, so I searched everywhere else I fought. I looked around at all of the dead bodies and then caught sight of my necklace. It was under the guy who Five killed with his tie on the table. Must have come off when I grabbed his tie. I reached down to pick it up when Detective Eudora Patch walked over to me.

"Hi, are you new to the force?" she asked.

I looked up and stood up. Worst timing girl. I stood up and looked at her. She was pretty and her hair was tied back.

"Yeah, just transferred," I lied.

"What do you think happened here,"

Five and I killed these guys. That's what happened.

"Well, I think all these idiots shot each to death. Not sure why though. Must have been trying to kill somebody else," I answered, trying to not look suspicious or like I knew anything.

"You know, that's exactly what I said! It makes sense right? All professionals but dumb. They have the guns and armor but they were all killed differently," she said, eyeing everyone of the dead bodies before turning back to me.. "You know I have a jacket just like that. Small world I guess!"

I laughed with her, making the situation more uncomfortable.

"I didn't catch your name, I'm Detective Patch," she said, sticking her hand out to shake mine.

"Uh, Jackie Mastings," I said, coming up with the name on the spot.

It was one of the first ones I used at the Commission, so it was at the top of my fake name list.

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