Ep 9 - Changes

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Five's POV

I watched as Luther hugged Allison, and that's when I ran out of the house. I ran around the cabin, looking for Z. She wasn't anywhere. I began blinking all over the forest, but nothing. I stopped at the front of the cabin and fell to my knees. I cupped my face in my hands, and I began to cry. I opened my eyes, and something glimmered. I let my hands fall to the ground, and push the leaves away. It was Z's necklace. I picked it up and shoved it into my pocket. I stood up and ran back inside.

"Five! Get in the car. We have to go. Allison is still alive!" Luther yelled at me.

"Diego. You go, Klaus, you're with me," I instructed.

"What about Allison?" Luther asked through sobs.

"And what about Z?" I asked, a bit of anger in my voice. "You've got your girl, what about mine?"

"It's okay, Luther you go. Help him, Diego," Klaus mumbled, biting his fingernails.

"Here!" Diego shouted, tossing his keys to me.

Diego and Luther carefully took Allison to their car and drove off.

"So, where do we start?" Klaus asked.

"I don't know?" I muttered, impatient and pacing around the room.

"We'll split up. Ben and I'll go this way, you uh, do your thing and shoo!" Klaus snapped, flicking his hands at me.

At this point, I didn't care if he was actually being serious or not, but I ran back outside. I kept checking all the places outside that Z could be, but I couldn't find anything. That's when I stumbled on a plastic-wrapped bag. I slowly walked over to it, hoping, just hoping that Z was not in it.

Ben's POV

"Where should I go?" I asked, eager to help Klaus and Five.

"I don't know. But go!" Klaus uttered, sitting down on the couch.

"Are you going to help find your sister or what?" I asked.

He waved his hand and clutched his head in his hands. I could hear his stifled cries. I walked over to him and sat next to him.

"Ben. She's my new sister, what if she's dead?"

"You're clean. You can conjure her if she is," I suggested.

"Five would kill me! HE LOVES HER! HE LOVE, LOVES HER. If he finds out she is dead, he'll kill me!" Klaus cried. "Literally kill me!"

"Then let's make sure she's not dead," I snapped standing up.

Klaus stood up and followed me. I was going to have to be the leader, and him the follower. I was walking around the cabin when he stopped me.

"What?" I asked.

"You can't open doors," Klaus gave a small laugh.

He opened the door to a bedroom and we began looking around. I was walking around when I heard something fall. I walked straight through a loser door and peered into the darkness.

"Holy Shit! Klaus, get in here!" I yelled.

He opened the closet door, shining light into the closet. His eyes widened when he saw Z lying on the floor. Her hands were tied together, and her face was covered in crusted blood, dirt, and grim. Her hair was matted, and there was a pool of blood slowly covering the floor around her head. Klaus ran out of the closet and to somewhere.

Klaus' POV

After I saw Z's body, I ran out of the bedroom, and to the cabin's door. I needed to let Five know. He needed to know.

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