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Dumbledore quickly ran through St. Mungo's with Mcgonagall, Hagrid, A Young man and a hand full of Aurors trailing behind him "I need this place on High alert, check every corner of this hospital. Hagrid go tell the Nurses to have every patient stay in their rooms!" Dumbledore commanded. The Aurors apparated and Hagrid broke off from Dumbledore and Mcgonagall

"In here!" The young man says pointing to a room. 

Dumbledore rams through the door with his wand out but sees nobody in there, He hangs his head low in disappointment "I'm afraid were too late" Dumbledore says

Mcgonagall sheds a few tears while covering her mouth

"GODDAMMIT" the young man yells in frustration 

"Calm down James" Dumbledore says to the young man trying to calm him down

 "How the hell can I calm down Dumbledore they took my sister" says the Young man

 "I'm aware Mr. Vorhees-" Dumbledore says

 "She's due for labor any second and she's alone with that damn psychopath and his followers" The young man continues 

 "I'm aware of that as well Mr. Vorhees" Dumbledore says

"What are we gonna do Albus" Mcgonagall says with great worry

Dumbledore ponders for a few seconds "there are only a few places he could've gone, we're gonna split up and find her"

In a dark forest

"AVADA KADAVRA" A death eater yells the unforgivable curse and kills an auror

"let me go you bastards" A young pregnant women yells

"Put her on the pedestal, QUICKLY THEIRS ONLY A MATTER OF TIME BEFORE THEY FIND US" Voldemort commands the death eaters

The death eaters force the women on the pedal "I'll F**king kill you sons of bi**hes" The pregnant women then punches one of the death eaters

"Imperio" Voldemort hits her with the curse "Bellatrix carry on with the process"

 "yes my lord" she helps deliver the baby and cuts the umbilical cord while the baby cries "Aw look at the little death eater" she cackles

"Now move her out the way and form the circle" he takes the baby and puts him on the pedestal after they move the women out the way "Now the mark" he points the wand at the babies right arm and gives the baby the death eater mark which makes it cry louder

"We are ready to begin the process" A man with a red robe says 

 "then let us begin" Voldemort bows and backs away

A bunch of men with red robes form a circle around the crying baby and start chanting "ESTA VETO MERP KOPA NYO KOMN LEXO GEYA-" As the men chanted a red energy surrounded the baby and the tattoo on the babies arm started to spread  

Voldermort waves his wand around and fires a green beam at the energy making it swirl with green and red, He kneels out of exhaustion but cackles 

"YAU LOMA UOK-" The men in robes chant is suddenly interrupted 

The baby started to glow a bright blue and giggles "What is happening!" Voldemort yells. The baby then lets out a huge magical explosion that gets rid of the flames and knocks over everyone

Voldemort quickly gets up and looks at the baby to see it sleeping "Try again, TRY AGAIN YOU INSUFFERABLE-"

"Depulso" Dumbledore appears from the woods and hits Voldemort "It's over Tom" 

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