short snippet that came into my brain

181 6 15



He kneeled down to my level, slow enough for me to to know that his intentions were not negative.

"Do you really think that in almost three centuries of life, I've never had a panic attack?"

I stared at him, then looked away. I guess I really had thought that, but now it just seems silly.

He chuckled softly once more before standing up. "Maybe I'm not as invincible as you think." A hand was extended, a silent offer towards me.

"Come on," he said, tenderly, ruby eyes gazing down at my own sapphire ones with anything but evil. "You can't stay down there forever. We have things to do."

I hesitated, then stretched out my own hand and took his. My enemy's hands were warm, and surprisingly soft; they were bigger than mine, but no less gentle, perhaps even more so.

The man pulled me up slowly, careful not to use all of his strength. Once I had stood up, we locked eyes for a moment or two, hands still together. However those few, fleeting seconds felt like they lasted an eternity. His eyes felt so strangely safe, as if inviting me to get lost in their sea of red, like fresh silk sheets after a long day.

Finally, we broke eye contact, mostly at the same time. Our fingertips brushed as we parted, almost as if we wanted to stay connected for as long as possible, almost as if the touch were addictive. This could've meant a billion different things in my rushing brain of thoughts.

But, in the back of my mind, I only wanted it to mean one. 


If anyone wants to use this as a prompt for a story or something, feel free, just mention me :) [Word Count: 306]

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